Salem Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
The Salem Vet Center has a well established and active outreach team who are well connected with local organizations that provide care to homeless Veterans.
We have a great partnership with the following programs and organizations
- VA Grant Per Diem Program
- HUD-VASH Program
- Easter Seals of Oregon
- Serving Our Veterans at Home
- Tanners Project
- West Care
Salem Vet Center - Grief and bereavement counseling
The Salem Vet Center offers counseling for families who have lost a Veteran or service member .
Salem Vet Center - PTSD care
At the Salem Vet Center we offer a variety of groups, such as
- Vietnam era group
- Rotating CPT and Moral Injury group
- OIF/OEF groups
- Women Mindfulness Group
Salem Vet Center - Couples and family counseling
Family members and significant others are welcome to attend counseling with the Veteran to manage any concerns.
- Military sexual trauma care
Military sexual trauma can happen to both men and women. If you experienced sexual assault or harassment during military service - no matter when you served – we provide counseling and treatment and referrals as needed.
Las Cruces Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care
We offer evidence-based therapies and referrals (as needed) to support your goals.