Temecula Vet Center - Grief and bereavement counseling
If you are having trouble adjusting to a life changing event the Temecula Vet Center is here to support you and your family members during this period in your life. We can provide support services such as counseling, education, and referrals (as needed).
Everett Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care
If you are struggling to overcome an addiction, we can connect you to VA services, such as the Addiction Treatment Center at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System or other local community partners.
Everett Vet Center - Vocational rehabilitation and employment programs
If you need any assistance with Vocational and employment(VR&E) programs, please get in contact with the Everett Vet Center Veteran Outreach Program Specialist at: 425-252-9701.
For more information, visit
- Veteran Readiness and Employment(VR&E)
- Work Study Program.
- The Everett Work Source/Serve Center for Veterans is located at 3201 Smith Ave, Suite 114 in Everett. Phone: 425-258-6305
Everett Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
The Everett Vet Center can connect you to Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing(VASH) or to one of our community partners, such as
- United Way of Snohomish County 211 or call 425-374-5500
- Support Services for Veteran Families(SSFV) or call 425-465-7457
- Snohomish County Veteran Assistance Program or call 425-388-7255
Honolulu Vet Center - Community engagement
Our staff are available to attend community events where Veterans and families of Veterans may be in attendance. We can provide information and education to all Veterans and their families about benefits and services available at VA.
We are available for in-service informational brief to any community organizations/businesses, National Guard/Reserve Units, and Active Duty Units interested in learning about our services.
Please contact our office if your organization would like a Vet Center staff to attend an event or to provide an in-service informational brief.
Honolulu Vet Center - Veteran connections
Our staff are available to address questions regarding VA Benefits, VA Healthcare, and VA Burial benefits. We can provide appropriate referrals to point you to organizations and services in the community that may serve your needs best.
We host a VA benefits informational brief virtually currently done twice a month. In this briefing, Veterans and their families can expect to learn how to access VA benefits, navigate VA claim process, and be connected to appropriate Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) to best represent and guide Veterans on VA claims.
Visit VA Pacific Islands Healthcare System (VAPIHCS) for information about VA medical centers within the pacific area.
Visit Honolulu Regional Office for information relevant to local Veterans within the pacific area.
Please connect with one of our staff for assistance/referrals with community resources available to Veterans and their families. Services are free and strictly confidential.
Corona Vet Center - Community engagement
If you or your organization would like to learn more about the Veteran culture and how we through a collaboration can help the community as a whole and support our Veteran community reach out to the Corona Vet Center. We can provide individual or group educational briefings.
Your organization does not have to be Veteran centric to learn how the Veteran culture may contribute to the community or your organization.
Corona Vet Center - Whole health
Supporting your health and well-being is what Whole Health is! As the cutting-edge approach to healthcare, the process centers around You. This approach should assist in helping reach your life goals to better your overall wellbeing.
Corona Vet Center - Returning service member care
Returning from military service back to the civilian sector can be a culture shock to the normal military lifestyle. Making connection in the community the Veteran is returning to is where we can help connect them to the array of services in the area stated above.
Corona Vet Center - PTSD care
We offer supportive services through confidential individual and group therapy counseling to assist the Veteran in working through their traumatic events and provide coping skills to help.