Prescott Vet Center - Whole health

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

At the Prescott Vet Center, we work to bridge mental health care with every other aspect of Veterans’ lives.  You can expect your counselor to help you highlight the connection between mental health and various aspects of self-care (e.g. food and drink, working your body, surroundings, spirit and soul, personal development, recharging, and relationships). 

Prescott Vet Center - Returning service member care

Vet Center
Vet Center service description

The Prescott Vet Center understands that the transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge. We offer a variety of ways to assist you in that process such as:

  • How to get VA medical benefits and register for care
  • Where to go to file claims and other forms
  • Understanding your VA education benefits
  • Housing and home loans
  • Education and referral for VA burial benefits

The Prescott Vet Center can also connect you to Veterans Service Organizations in your community.

Prescott Vet Center - PTSD care

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

At the Prescott Vet Center, we offer individual and group counseling.

Care at our Center includes:

  • Anger management
  • Stress management
  • Activity engagement

Evidence-based therapies such as:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Gottmann Method

Prescott Vet Center - Mental health care

Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description

At the Prescott Vet Center, we offer individual and group counseling. We also provide referral services to appropriate resources in our community

Care at our center includes:

  • One-on-one hour-long counseling sessions targeted at your individual needs
  • Group counseling for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, Vietnam Veterans; Spouse/Significant Others, and more

Evidence-based therapies such as:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Gottmann Method

Prescott Vet Center - Grief and bereavement counseling

Vet Center
Vet Center service description

If you're having trouble adjusting to a difficult life change or someone close to you has died the Prescott Vet Center can offer counseling and other support, such as:

  • Bereavement counseling for families who have lost a loved one while they were serving on active duty
  • Grief counseling