
Research Contacts

Meta description
VA Research is the only research program focused entirely on Veterans' needs.
Page introduction
VA research is different from research sponsored by other federal research agencies: VA Research is the only research program focused entirely on Veterans' needs. VA Research is intramural, meaning only VA employees can conduct research under VA's sponsorship. Typically, VA researchers collaborate with academic institutions.
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Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile

All research application submissions

Original signed application packet to:

VA Interoffice Mail: 
Fax: 916-364-0306

Postal Mail: 

VA Research Service
10535 Hospital Way (151)
Bldg. 650, Rm 2B010
Mather, CA 95655

Email electronic Word files of each document to: V21MACRESEARCHINBOX@va.gov

John Johnson
EBIRE President and CEO
Phone: 916-843-2713
Mobile: 530-558-0462

Ellece Papas
Research Compliance Officer
Phone: 916-843-7326
Mobile: 209-470-3599