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Find phone numbers and contact info at VA Northern California Healthcare System including patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.
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Find phone numbers and contact information at VA Northern California Healthcare System for frequently requested services like patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.
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Phone directory and mailing address

Find phone numbers for many of the administrative and program offices at VA Northern California health care.



Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7010

Martinez VAMC - 925-370-4704


Sacramento VAMC - 800-382-8387


Northern California Health Care System - 800-382-8387

Audiology & speech pathology 

Sacramento VAMC - 800-382-8387


Beneficiary travel

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7012

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2174

Chico OPC - 530-879-5083

McClellan OPC - 916-561-7580

Mare Island OPC - 925-372-2174

Fairfield OPC - 925-372-2174

Redding OPC - 530-226-7690

Yreka OPC - 530-226-7690

Billing/VA health revenue center

System-wide - 866-347-2353


COVID-19 vaccines

VA Northern California Health Care System - 800-382-8387, option 8

Caregiver support coordinator

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-9043

Center for health promotion & disease prevention

System-wide - 800-382-8387

Chaplain services

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-9221

Martinez VAMC - 925-370-4178

Clinic/site administration

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7000

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2000

Chico VA Clinic - 530-879-5000

Fairfield VA Clinic - 707-437-1800

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-561-7400

Mare Island VA Clinic - 707-562-8200

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-267-7800

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7555

Sierra Foothills VA Clinic - 530-889-0872

Yuba City VA Clinic - 530-751-4500

Community Care

System-wide - 707-562-8430

Community Living Center

Martinez VAMC - 925-370-4704

Compensation & Pension Office

Sacramento VAMC - 866-973-7745

Compensation & Pension

System-wide - 800-382-8387

Customer Service

System-wide - 800-382-8387


Decedent affairs

VA Northern California Health Care System - 916-366-5490

Dental services

VA Northern California Health Care System - 800-382-8387

Chico VA Clinic - 530-879-5057

Mare Island VA Clinic - 707-562-8225

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-333-5500

Redding VA Clinic - 530-244-8800


VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Elderly Veterans

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387


VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387


Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7035

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-4177

Chico VA Clinic - 530-879-5003

Fairfield VA Clinic - 707-437-1801

Mare Island VA Clinic - 707-562-8201

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-561-7580

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-267-7803

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7566

Yuba City VA Clinic - 530-751-4560

Yreka VA Clinic - 530-841-8500



Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7008

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2808

Home based primary care

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Homeless veterans program

Sacramento VAMC - 916-364-3124

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2061

Chico VA Clinic - 530-899-6331

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-587-5006

Redding VA Clinic - 530-899-6331

Human resources

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-9415

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2120


Imaging services

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387


Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) Program

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2267


Medical foster homes

Sacramento VAMC - 916-640-8419


VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Mental health

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-9460

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2033

Chico VA Clinic - 530-879-5050

Fairfield VA Clinic - 925-372-2033

Mare Island VA Clinic - 925-372-2033

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-561-7461

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7669

Sierra Foothills VA Clinic - 530-889-0872

Yuba City VA Clinic - 530-751-4500, ext. 3

Yreka VA Clinic - 530-226-7669

Military sexual trauma

Coordinator -  925-372-2554

Emergency - 988, ext. 1


Nuclear medicine

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7297

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2124


VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387


Optical shop

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7049

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2523

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-267-7984

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7584

Optometry/vision care

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387


Palliative care

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7479

Martinez VAMC - 925-370-4772

Pathology and laboratory medicine service

Sacramento VAMC - 800-382-8387

Patient advocate

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7034

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2883

Chico VA Clinic- 530-879-5009

Fairfield VA Clinic - 707-437-1803

Mare Island VA Clinic - 707-562-8391

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-561-7540

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-267-7810

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7508

Sierra Foothills VA Clinic - 530-889-0872

Yreka VA Clinic - 530-226-7508

Yuba VA Clinic - 530-751-4560


VA Northern California Health Care System - 866-600-8279

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Service

VA Northern California Health Care System - 800-382-8387

Police Services

Fairfield VA Clinic - 925-372-2345

Mare Island VA Clinic - 925-372-2345

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2345

Chico VA Clinic - 916-366-5401

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-366-5401

Redding VA Clinic - 916-366-5401

Sierra Foothills VA Clinic - 916-366-5401

Yreka VA Clinic - 916-366-5401

Yuba City VA Clinic - 916-366-5401

Sacramento VAMC - 916-366-5401

Primary Care

VA Northern California Health Care System - 800-382-8387

Prosthetic Office

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7373

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2135

Prosthetic Services

VA Northern California Health Care System - 800-382-8387

Public Affairs

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-9247



Sacramento VAMC - 916-366-5474

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-5644

Chico VA Clinic - 530-879-5072

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-561-7451

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-267-7828

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7585

Release of information 

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7000

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2724

Chico VA Clinic - 916-843-7005

Fairfield VA Clinic - 916-843-7005

Mare Island VA Clinic - 916-843-7005

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-843-7005

Oakland VA Clinic - 510-267-7812

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7527

Yreka VA Clinic - 530-226-7527

Yuba VA Clinic - 916-843-7005


Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7316

Sacramento VAMC - 916-366-5333


Shuttle services

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7012

Martinez VAMC - 925-372-2174

Fairfield VA Clinic - 707-437-1801

Mare Island VA Clinic - 707-562-8201

McClellan VA Clinic - 916-843-7012

Redding VA Clinic - 530-226-7575

Yreka VA Clinic - 530-226-7575

Yuba City VA Clinic - 530-751-4560

Sleep program

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Smoking cessation

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

QuitVet - 855-784-8838

Social work

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Specialty care

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Spinal cord injuries system of care

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Suicide help line

Call - 988, option 1


VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387



VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Traumatic brain injury services

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Triwest choice

All - 866-606-8198


VA Police

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Veterans canteen service

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-7004

Veterans choice

All - 916-843-2672

Visual impairment services team - VIST

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 916-843-2672

Volunteer or donate

All sites - 916-366-5372


Whole health

VA Northern California Healthcare System - 800-382-8387

Women veterans health care

Sacramento VAMC, Martinez VAMC, Mare Island VA Clinic - 855-829-6636

Women veterans program manager

Sacramento VAMC - 916-843-2828

Patient help and resources

Need help? Contact a patient advocate

If you need help getting care or resolving an issue with VA, get help from one of our trained patient advocates.

Medical records office

Access your medical records online or request a copy of your records from our Release of Information office.

Billing and insurance

Pay your VA Northern California health care bill online, by phone, mail, or in person. You can also raise issues or address billing disputes.


Find out how to refill your prescriptions, where to pick up new prescription orders, and how to safely dispose of your medicines.

Mailing addresses

Sacramento VA Medical Center
10535 Hospital Way
Mather, CA 95655

Main phone numbers

Local: 916-843-7000
Toll-free: 800-382-8387

To use TeleType services: dial 711.

Media and press

The Office of Public Affairs can assist local media with queries, interview requests, and expert information about the VA Northern California Healthcare System.

Phone: 925-334-6318
Email: V21MACPublicAffairs@va.gov

Submit a FOIA request

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you have a right to federal agency records unless those records are protected from disclosure by specific exemptions or exclusions laid out in law.

Requesting records maintained by VA Northern California 

Phone: 707-437-1823

Sacramento VA Medical Center
Release of Information Office
10535 Hospital Way
Mather, CA 95655

Additional FOIA request information

Report an issue

Give us website feedback

To report a technical issue or give us feedback about this site, email our web team at Coming Soon!.

Report suspected fraud or mismanagement

Contact the VA Office of the Inspector General (VAOIG) to report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, or mismanagement of VA programs or government resources.

Phone: 800-488-8244

VA Inspector General Hotline (53e)
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20420

Learn more about the VA OIG hotline

Report patient care or safety issues

If you have any concerns about the care and safety of patients or residents, the first step is to contact hospital management. If management did not address or resolve your concerns, contact the Joint Commission.

Submit a complaint online: Report a complaint
Phone: 800-994-6610
Fax: 630-792-5636
Email: complaint@jointcommission.org

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 6018

Contact the webmaster for website issues

Anthony Rivera