Title Water quality monitoring and reports Meta Meta description Find out about VA Pittsburgh's ongoing water-quality monitoring and reporting. Content Page introduction Find out about VA Pittsburgh's ongoing water quality monitoring efforts and read the latest water quality reports. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content Water quality monitoring and reports VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System is committed to providing safe, high-quality water to everyone who uses our facilities. We publish annual and semi-annual water quality reports, which cover sampling results for: Legionella Copper Lead Escherichia coli (E. coli) Coliform (bacteria found in feces) Disinfection byproducts Our water supply The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority supplies water to our University Drive location and the Fox Chapel Water Authority supplies water to our H.J. Heinz III location. Both locations are public water systems (as determined by the Environmental Protection Agency). The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) monitors both locations’ compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Our water treatment team Our PADEP-licensed water treatment plant operators keep safe water flowing through our water delivery system 24/7/365. Operators monitor water conditions such as temperature, pH, and chlorine levels and make adjustments quickly to ensure proper water storage and delivery. This helps prevent the growth or spread of Legionella, copper, lead, unwanted bacteria, and other contaminants. Our surveillance approach is rigorous and multi-disciplinary. Our water treatment plant operators work closely with infection prevention specialists, patient care staff, and facilities staff to ensure that our water remains safe. Water quality reports The reports and data available here demonstrate that our water quality consistently exceeds Safe Drinking Water Act standards. You can find the same reports and data on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection site. Select Public Water System ID and enter 5020955 for University Drive and 5020031 for H.J. Heinz III. Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Our annual water quality report includes information on how we treat and sample our water systems, along with general information on drinking water sources. University Drive campus CCR (PDF) H.J. Heinz III campus CCR (PDF) Tap notices We regularly monitor lead and copper levels at both campuses to ensure that the drinking water we provide to you meets state and federal standards. Our tap notices include the results of lead and copper tests. University Drive campus University Drive lead test results (PDF) University Drive copper test results (PDF) H.J. Heinz III campus H.J. Heinz III lead test results (PDF) H.J. Heinz III copper test results (PDF) Public notices VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System has no current public notices. Public water suppliers must give public violation notice for the following circumstances: Failure to comply with an applicable state primary maximum contaminant limit. Failure to perform water quality monitoring. Occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak or other emergency situation that adversely affects the quality or quantity of finished water and has a significant potential to have serious adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure. Other violations or situations determined by the Department to require a public notice. Public information Notification of Permit Application (PDF) Related Links Related links and documents The Safe Drinking Water Act — EPA Find out how the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) protects our nation's water supplies. Bureau of Safe Drinking Water (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection) Learn more about the mission and responsibilities of the Bureau of Safe Drinking Water. Preventing disease with water management Review the Centers for Disease Control's guidance on preventing Legionella and Legionnaires' Disease through proper water management. Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Legionella Disease VHA Directive 1061 Review the VA's official directive for preventing Legionella-related disease. Legionella testing at VA Pittsburgh Find out more about VA Pittsburgh's ongoing Legionella water tests.