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Learn about Providence VA's research initiatives
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Explore VA Providence's research initiatives with specialty programs. You can also volunteer to participate in a research study.
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Welcome to Research at the VA Providence Healthcare System

ACOS for Research: Gaurav Choudhary, MD
AO for Research: Kimberly Marcolivio, M. Ed.

Providence is a unique research site in the heart of academic-rich southern New England. Here at VAPHCS, we have more than 250 research projects totaling over 20 million dollars in VA, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DoD), and commercial grants. Our research service is affiliated with some of the top academic and medical institutions in the region, including Brown University, University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, Massachusetts General Hospital, Lifespan, and Care New England. Our large research and development program employs over 350 research personnel who conduct studies in rehabilitation medicine, cardiology, pulmonary disease, mental health, neuroscience, health services & economics, PTSD, substance abuse, suicide prevention, and homelessness. These studies enhance our ability to provide state-of-the-art techniques and treatments to our patients. At the same time, our research program helps VAPHCS recruit and retain the highest quality health care professionals who treat our Veterans in the VA Clinics on a daily basis.

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Research Programs

VA RR&D Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology (CfNN)

VA RR&D Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology (CfNN) seeks to develop, test and implement new therapies and technologies that restore function for Veterans with disorders affecting the nervous system.

Center of Innovation in Long Term Services and Supports (COIN-LTSS)

COIN-LTSS conducts projects that aim to improve access, quality, and value of long term support services for Veterans.

Cardiopulmonary Vascular Biology Center (CPVB-COBRE)

CPVB-COBRE performs research to better understand blood vessel diseases and improve treatment for these conditions.

Clinical and Translational Research Program (CTRP)

The CTRP supports every aspect of clinical and translational research studies, including regulatory and coordination of support, data collection, sample collection, data entry, analysis and publication of results. 

Million Veteran Program (MVP)

The nationwide Million Veteran Program studies the impacts of genes, lifestyle, and military exposures on health and wellness.

Vascular Research Laboratory

The Vascular Research Laboratory (Brown University) focuses its research on endothelial and vascular smooth muscle biology as it relates to pulmonary and cardiac diseases.

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Current Studies
For Researchers


VA grant information and materials can be found in the links below. Questions about grants can be directed to Candy Shuman at Candace.Shuman@va.gov. Non VA-funded grants are handled by Ocean State Research Institute (OSRI), a non-profit located at VA Providence Healthcare System. For any inquiries related to Ocean State Research Institute (OSRI), contact:

Mary Ford at Mary.Ford@va.gov

Protocol Submissions

All protocol submissions are done through IRBNet (VAIRRS). When a research study application is submitted in IRBNet, the application will be routed to the appropriate committee based on the type of research being performed. All human subjects trials are required to have IRB approval prior to initiating the research.

If you are interested in submitting a new protocol or have questions about becoming a VA Principal Investigator, please contact Kimberly Marcolivio at Kimberly.Marcolivio@va.gov or 401-273-7100 Ext. 13464.

For questions about IRBNet, you may contact Mike Baldwin at Michael.Baldwin4@va.gov or Diane Stock at Diane.Stock@va.gov.


Research and Development (R & D) Committee
Primary Contact: Candace Shuman, R&D Committee Coordinator
(401)273-7100 Ext. 13872

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Primary Contact: Val Micucci, IRB Coordinator
(401)273-7100 Ext. 13470

Subcommittee on Research Safety (SRS)
Primary Contact: Candace Shuman, Research Safety Coordinator
(401) 457-3066 Ext. 13872

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Primary Contact: Tiffany Galligan, IACUC Coordinator
(401) 457-3066 Ext. 13530

 Email is not secure. Do not send personal or medical information over the internet. 


Gaurav Choudhary, MD                  ACOS/Research                                                       Ext. 12029

Kimberly Marcolivio, M.Ed            Research Program Officer                                   Ext. 13464

Val Micucci                                          IRB Coordinator                                                       Ext. 13470

Laura Thompson                             Budget Analyst                                                          Ext. 12402

Candace Shuman                            Grants Manager/R&D Coordinator                   Ext. 13872

Christine Fitzgerald                         Research Compliance Officer                             Ext. 14269

Diane Stock                                         iMedRIS/IRBNet Administrator                        Ext. 13911

Mike Baldwin                                     IRBNet/ADPAC Program Support Assistant   Ext. 16453

Mary T. Ford                                        Ocean State Research Institute (OSRI)            Ext. 13674
                                                                 Executive Director