Title LTSS COIN Q&As Meta Meta description Providence VA Research Content Page introduction Questions and Answers to VA Research Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content Q: What are Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)? A: Long-Term Services and Supports is the term used for services provided to patients suffering from chronic illness or disabilities that interfere with daily living. Long Term Care Services may include home care, nursing home care and community care programs. Q: What is Quality Improvement Research in the hospital setting? A: Quality Improvement (QI) Research analyzes health outcomes using large datasets from the healthcare system to examine if certain programs or medical treatments are effective and how to improve on them if needed. Through QI Research, the LTSS-COIN is dedicated to improving the healthcare of those needing long-term services and supports. Q: I am a Veteran patient or family member. How do I find out about Long-Term Care Services at the VA? A: Please see the below webpages from our partner, the VA Geriatrics and Extended Care Service for a description of services provided and program contact information. For a description of services: https://www.va.gov/GERIATRICS/Guide/LongTermCare/index.asp How to locate VA services: Find VA Locations | Veterans Affairs