The PTSD Clinical Team (PCT) provides specialized care to Veterans who have had traumatic experiences. We individually assess each Veteran to develop a treatment plan together to meet their unique needs and preferences. Our goal is to help Veterans improve the quality and meaningfulness of their lives within their families and communities.
To learn more details about PTSD therapies, please visit the VA’s National Center for PTSD at
Our Services Are…
- Evidence-Based
- Recovery-Oriented
- Trauma-Focused
- Active
- Short-Term
- Time-Limited
- Generally Individual
- About talking, not meds
- Outpaitent
- Planned and Scheduled
- Voluntary
- Confidential
Our Services Are NOT…
• To Assist with Disability or Service Connection
• Unstructured
• Indefinite
• Experimental
• Crisis-Oriented
Referral Process:
Services are provided in Salisbury, Charlotte, Kernersville, and also through VA Video Connect (VVC) in your home.
If you are interested in treatment with the PCT, speak with your BHIP mental health care team.
If you do not currently have a BHIP team, speak with your PCP for a mental health referral.
You can also access mental health care through walk-in clinics available at each location during regular business hours.
The Vet Centers in Charlotte and Greensboro also offer treatment. No formal referral is necessary. Simply call 1-800-905-4675.
Brandon Bryan, PCT Coordinator
704-638-9000 x13175