While residential treatment programs provide a specialized environment for trauma work, many Veterans cannot or do not want to leave their homes for several weeks to participate. The Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program for PTSD (VIOPP) allows Veterans to receive similar core psychotherapeutic interventions while remaining with their homes, families, and jobs. This allows the opportunity to practice and apply the skills in real world experiences and interactions.
The VIOPP is a structured six-week treatment experience for PTSD from any event, military or non-military. We provide individual therapies and educational groups to help male and female Veterans recover from PTSD. All Veterans attend voluntarily. No one can be forced to attend or remain in the program.
The VIOPP has activities one to three hours per day five days a week for six weeks. All services are conducted through secure online or telephone connections, meaning you can receive all these services while at home.
Each week, all Veterans receive:
- One of two therapy tracks:
- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
- Two Individual sessions
- Two small group sessions
- Yoga
- Medical Education Class
- Three Psychoeducational Classes
- Hypnosis
- Biofeedback
To be accepted for admission into the VIOPP, you must:
- Be eligible for VA Services.
- Have a current mental health provider who can refer you and receive you back into care at discharge.
- Have PTSD as your primary presenting problem.
- Make recovery from PTSD your primary mental health goal.
- Be able to benefit from trauma-focused interventions.
- Be psychiatrically stable; not in acute crisis such as suicidal, homicidal, manic, or psychotic.
- Have reliable hi-speed internet access and either a smartphone or a computer with a webcam.
Referral Process:
Veterans should speak with their current provider for a referral to the VIOPP. The provider can submit an inter-facility consult (IFC) using the existing "Salisbury, NC PTSD-RRTP" IFC. Referrals are accepted from any VA in the country.
Referred Veterans will be contacted for a screening and be given a start date. New groups begin every two weeks.
If you need urgent mental health services, you should contact your local hospital or crisis service line for assistance. The VIOPP is not a crisis stabilization unit.
Brandon Bryan, PCT Coordinator
704-638-9000 ext. 13175