
Social Work Training Program

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The VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System offers 15 paid practicum placements to second year or advanced standing MSW students from affiliated universities.
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Each year the VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System offers 15 paid practicum placements to second year or advanced standing MSW students from affiliated universities.
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Headshots of four recent program graduates - left to right - Davina John; Cassidy Burningham; Martina Bailey; Susan Horne

Whereas most placements are located in the Salt Lake City area, others may be available in Saint George, Orem, Ogden, Pocatello, or Idaho Falls. Students are expected to complete 600 hours of training with the VA. Paid placements generally run from August to April in conjunction with the VA fiscal year and traditional academic year, though alternative schedules may be available. Being one of the nation’s largest training systems, the VA offers students a broad range of clinical experiences. Though many duties are unique to their assigned placements, all students will gain valuable experience:

  • Completing psychosocial assessments and developing treatment plans;
  • Facilitating individual and group therapies;
  • Participating on multi-disciplinary teams to coordinate services;
  • Advocating for our Veterans;
  • Establishing discharge/aftercare plans;
  • Networking with community partners;
  • Linking Veterans to services to address their psychosocial needs; and
  • Many more traditional social work services.

Student trainees will also be given the opportunity to shadow and provide services in other areas of our health care system to meet their personal educational goals.


The United States government requires citizenship to be considered for federal employment. Students must be:

  • Enrolled in an MSW program which has received full accreditation by the CSWE;
  • Either in the 2nd year of their program or in advanced standing;
  • Eligible to be hired immediately at the completion of their practicum;
  • Physically and mentally able to perform their duties;
  • Registered for Selective Service by age 26 (Males only); and
  • Available 20 hours per week during regular business hours.

Criminal behaviors will be considered when determining eligibility for appointment (details at Declaration for Federal Employment form). Students must pass a physical exam to include a tuberculosis screening, and hepatitis vaccination (or waiver). Students will also be required to receive an influenza vaccine by November 30th, or will be required to wear a face mask throughout the influenza season.

Application process

Complete application packets are generally accepted during the months of January and February prior to the start of the Fall placements during any given year. Applications for non-paid positions will be considered year-round based upon each students’ eligibility and experience, as well as the availability of a placement. See the links below for more details.


University affiliation agreement

The VA requires an affiliation agreement to be completed with each university before offers for placement can be extended to their students. (Detailed in the Associated Health Affiliation Agreement). Limited amendments can be made to this document locally including responsibilities of both parties and termination agreement. Other amendments including liability issues must be sent from our locality to the Office of General Counsel (OGC) and can take up to 6 months or longer for a decision. It should be noted that the OGC is very strict when considering amendments to this document. 

Contact Information

Timothy Carr, LCSW
Social Work Training Director
801-582-1565, ext. 4272