
Mission and vision

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The mission of South Texas Veterans Health Care System is to provide exceptional health care to Veterans.
Page introduction
South Texas Veterans Health Care System’s mission is to offer options to timely, quality services for veterans through care and respect for one's physical, psychological, and spiritual health.
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Our mission

The mission of the South Texas Veterans Health Care System (STVHCS) is to honor America's veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and wellbeing. 

Our vision

STVHCS will be a veteran-centered organization that provides excellence in health care, research, education; to be an organization where people choose to work; an active community partner; and a resource for National emergencies.

Who we serve

STVHCS serves veterans throughout the southern portion of Texas. Our hospitals are the Audie L. Murphy Memorial Veterans Hospital in San Antonio, our Kerrville VA Medical Center, and 15 community-based outpatient clinics in San Antonio, Kerrville, Victoria, New Braunfels, and Seguin. We also maintain a mobile clinic that operates out of the Kerrville VA Medical Center.  We are one of the leading health care systems serving veterans in the Heart of Texas VA Health Care Network (VISN 17).