
Greenville HCC Psychology Internship Program

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Greenville Health Care Center, GHCC, Psychology Trainee, Residents, Scholars
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The overarching goal of the Greenville VA Health Care Center training program is to provide generalist training to prepare interns for practice as health service psychologists. This goal is achieved through participation in a variety of clinical and training activities.
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The doctoral internship at the Greenville VA Health Care Center is now accepting its sixth class of interns for the training year of 2022-2023.  In July 2021 the program was awarded full accreditation by the American Psychological Association Council on Accreditation. The overarching goal of the Greenville VA Health Care Center training program is to provide generalist training to prepare interns for practice as health service psychologists.  This goal is achieved through participation in a variety of clinical and training activities. Available clinical activities include rotations with:

  • Primary Care Mental Health Integration (primary rotation)
  • General Mental Health (primary rotation)
  • Neuropsychology (primary or secondary rotation)
  • East Carolina University Health Psychology (secondary rotation)
  • East Carolina University Consultation and Liaison Service (secondary rotation)
  • East Carolina University Psychological Assessment and
    Specialty Services Clinic (secondary rotation)

A strong emphasis is placed on competence in empirically supported interventions and assessment techniques, and an empirical or scholarly basis for all clinical activities. We are also committed to ensuring a range of diversity among our training classes with respect to Veteran status, members of historically underrepresented groups, sexual orientation, and disability status.  The Greenville VA Health Care Center serves a veteran population that is mostly rural.

COVID-19 Response:  Our site is committed to protecting the well-being of our trainees while providing high quality training and ongoing services for our veterans.  During the pandemic, trainees have continued to gain experience through provision of telehealth services, tele-supervision, and virtual didactics.    A combination of these modalities is expected for the foreseeable future.


The Greenville VA Health Care Center Psychology Internship Program complies with all APPIC guidelines in the recruitment and selection of interns and participates in the National Matching Service Match program.   This internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant. (APPIC Match Policies).   A complete copy of APPIC policies and the computer matching program can be found at the APPIC website, http://www.appic.org/

APPLICATIONS DUE: November 22, 2021

Eligibility: According to VA policy, internship funding can be provided only to students who are U.S. citizens and are enrolled in APA-accredited doctoral programs in clinical or counseling psychology. In addition, we require that a prospective intern's university advisor or director of training verify approval and recommendation that the student receive an internship at this facility, as specified on the APPIC "Academic Program's Verification of Internship Eligibility and Readiness" form. Only 52-week, full-time internships are available.

Eligibility Requirements:   Review the eligibility requirements for all VA psychology training programs.

Important Note:  Applications from U.S. citizens whose graduate programs in clinical or counseling psychology are Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) accredited are now eligible to apply for Greenville HCC psychology internship positions (and also to other VA training programs).

Robert Shelton, Psy.D.
Director of Training, Psychology Internship Program
Greenville VA Health Care Center
401 Moye Blvd, Greenville, NC 27858
Robert.shelton2@va.gov (preferred method of communication)
Phone (252) 830-2149; Fax (252) 830-0174

APA Accreditation Any questions regarding the accreditation status of the Greenville HCC Psychology Internship program may be addressed to the Commission on Accreditation (CoA):  
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
Education Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242