Care we provide at Minneapolis VA
If you are a caregiver for a Veteran, you can get support by contacting a Minneapolis VA caregiver support coordinator. We can help with:
- Getting caregiver assistance available through VA
- Matching you with services and benefits
- Providing progressive needs planning to help you manage degenerative conditions
- Helping assist you in your caregiving journey through support and educational offerings
- Connecting you with local resources and programs
Caregiver programs
Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS)
The Program of General Caregiver Support Services provides resources, education and support to caregivers of Veterans. The Veteran does not need to have a service-connected condition for which the caregiver is needed, and may have served during any era.
Caregivers who enroll in PGCSS have access to education and training, including courses at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. Additionally, caregivers can participate in support services and take advantage of VA home and community based care.
Learn more about PGCSS and how to enroll
Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC)
The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers is for eligible Veterans who have incurred, or aggravated a serious injury, in the line of duty on or before May 7, 1975 or on or after September 11, 2001. This program provides many services to caregivers of eligible Veterans to include, but not limited to: resources, education, support, a financial stipend, mental health counseling, respite care, health insurance (if eligible) and certain beneficiary travel (if eligible).
Learn more about PCAFC and how to enroll
Review the PCAFC fact sheet
VA respite care
For eligible Veterans, respite care is a program that pays for care for a short time when a Veteran’s caregiver needs or wants a break from caregiving. It is provided on a short-term, pre-planned basis, not to exceed 30 days in a calendar year. The availability of each type of respite may vary due to each agency’s or program’s staffing and other factors.
If you have questions, or to inquire if respite care might be a service available for you, please contact the following:
- If you have a VA Social Work Case Manager, please call them directly.
- If you are enrolled in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC), please call Molly Malchert at 612-243-7911 to learn more.
- If neither of the above apply to you, please call primary care social work at 612-467-2042.
Learn more about VA respite care