Many modes of transportation are available to enable patients and their families to travel to the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. However, the medical center does not provide this service. Several transportation methods are available.
Van services for Veterans
DAV vans
Hours: Individual van schedules vary
We work with Disabled American Veterans and county Veterans Affairs directors to provide transportation for Veterans and authorized caregivers to get to scheduled medical appointments. Requires advance notice; See Minnesota DAV or Wisconsin DAV websites for more information.
Non-DAV van services
Many localities in the region provide other van services to Veterans.
Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county
Local transit services
Metro Transit
The Twin Cities transit system, Metro Transit, operates a comprehensive system of bus routes throughout Minneapolis-St. Paul, with links to suburban bus systems and the METRO Blue Line (Hiawatha Light Rail), which connects downtown Minneapolis, the Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport, the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and the Mall of America.
Disabled Veterans ride free on Metro Transit by showing a Veteran's Identification Card issued by a VA Medical Center with the words "Service Connected" or "SC" below the photo. (Not valid on special service like State Fair)
Metro Mobility
Metro Mobility is a shared public transportation service for certified riders who are unable to use regular fixed-route buses due to a disability or health condition. Customers who are certified can call transportation providers to schedule their trips. Call 651-602-1111 for more information.
Cab and app-based ride services
Cab services in the area include; Yellow Cab, Blue and White Taxi, Suburban Taxi, Red & White Taxi, Airport Cab Service. App-based ride services are also available.
Beneficiary travel
Beneficiary travel benefits include round-trip transportation from your home to the medical center, mileage reimbursement, or special mode transport.
Find out if you qualify for beneficiary travel benefits