To ensure that donations are properly acknowledged, we ask that all gifts to Minneapolis VA be coordinated through the Center for Development and Civic Engagement office. If you would like to donate, please make your check out to "MVAHCS" and include a note in the lower portion of the check identifying which fund you wish to support. Your donation can be mailed to:
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
CDCE (135)
One Veterans Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Fund donation options
8040-Veteran Emergency Needs Fund: used to support the emergency needs of homeless and indigent Veterans relating to transportation, personal comfort items, household goods, and housing applications.
8003-General Patient Fund: used to support the various needs of our Veteran patients.
8032-Community Resource and Referral Center: used to assist homeless or at-risk Veterans receiving services through the MVAHCS Community Resource and Referral Center.
8148-Patient Recreation: supports a variety of recreation activities, supplies and events, entertainers and community outings.
8156- Volunteer Recognition Fund: our volunteers provide an integral part of the services we are able to over to our Veterans. Donations to this fund allow us to recognize the contributions of these volunteers.
8209-Fisher House: provides a “home away from home” for our patients and/or families while they receive extended treatments or must travel many miles to receive specialized care. Please mail Fisher House donations to Voluntary Service.