Title COVID-19 vaccines and testing Meta Meta description Safe care is our mission. We provide COVID-19 vaccines to all Veterans at no cost. Content Page introduction Safe care is our mission. We provide COVID-19 vaccines to all Veterans at no cost. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content COVID-19 vaccines Minneapolis VA is providing COVID-19 vaccines to Veterans only. We encourage caregivers and spouses to seek vaccination in the community. Schedule a COVID-19 vaccine Call 612-467-1100; the Call Center is open weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Veterans can also call their local VA Community Clinic. We offer Pfizer vaccines at all of our locations. We will offer Novavax vaccines at the medical center on Fridays, starting September 9. Boosters Veterans can get a COVID-19 booster if it’s been 2 months since their last COVID-19 vaccine or booster. Schedule a COVID-19 booster Call 612-467-1100; the Call Center is open weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Veterans can also call their local VA Community Clinic. We offer Pfizer vaccines at all of our locations. If you have questions about getting vaccinated Contact your health care provider if you have questions about if the vaccine is right for you. We encourage everyone to choose to be vaccinated. Vaccines will slow the spread of the virus, protecting you and your family, friends and neighbors. For more information, please visit CDC Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine. How to get your COVID-19 vaccine records online You can get your records from My HealtheVet with a Premium account. Follow these instructions. If you don't have a free, Premium My HealtheVet account, visit My HealtheVet to enroll. If you're unable to access your vaccination record through My HealtheVet, please contact the Minneapolis VA Medical Records Office Commercial Apps for Vaccine Verification (PDF) COVID-19 testing Minneapolis VA Health Care System offers COVID-19 testing to Veterans enrolled in VA health care. Appointments are required. We are no longer performing walk-in COVID-19 testing without a provider evaluation. If you're interested in only being tested for COVID-19, please schedule your testing in advance by contacting us: Secure Messaging VA Health Chat Call 612-467-1100 or 866-414-5058 (toll free), or your local VA Community Clinic. For the safety and convenience of all Veterans please visit your VA clinic only if you have an appointment. Individuals who live in Minnesota may also order 4 tests by visiting sayyeshometest.org. Order tests now so you have them when you need them. Learn more about COVID-19 testing at VA. Stay informed Follow our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Sign up for GovDelivery email news Sign up for VA's "stay informed" tool