An EEG is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain. Your provider may order this test to check for seizure or other brain problems.
Why do we ask you to be sleep deprived?
When you are sleep deprived it puts added stress on your brain. The added stress increases the chance that the EEG will show abnormalities. It also increases the chance that you will fall asleep during the EEG.
How do I get ready for an EEG?
- Arrange to have someone drive you since you will be sleep deprived.
- The day before your test get up at your regular time and stay awake all day. You may take a 1- to 2-hour nap before midnight. From midnight until your test, you need to stay awake.
- No caffeine after 5:00 p.m. the night before your test.
- Take your regular medications unless told otherwise by your provider.
- Wash your hair. Do not use any hairstyling products after washing. Your scalp and hair should be clean and free of excess oils.
How is the test performed?
Twenty-five small metal disks called electrodes are attached to your scalp with paste. Your head will then be wrapped with gauze to ensure the electrodes remain in place throughout the test.
What will I be asked to do during the EEG recording?
- Remain as relaxed as possible.
- Keep your eyes closed. You will be asked to open and close your eyes a few times.
- Breathe rapidly and deeply (hyperventilation) for 3 minutes.
- Try to take a nap.
- Open and close your eyes while being shown several speeds of flashing lights.
The entire test takes approximately two hours. The two hours includes attaching the electrodes, the EEG recording and electrode removal.
What should I do after the EEG?
Wash your hair. A damp towel will be used to get as much of the paste out of your hair as possible at the end of your EEG. Usually a towel is not able to thoroughly remove all the paste. The paste will come out when you wash your hair.
Return to your normal activities.