
Nursing internships and VALOR program

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Minneapolis VA medical center has a variety of nursing internship programs at different levels.
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Minneapolis VA medical center has a variety of nursing internship programs at different levels. We also offer the VALOR (Veterans Affairs Learning Opportunities Residency) Program, an honors program for select nursing students who have completed the junior year of a BSN program.
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Student nurse technician

The student nurse technician (SNT) works and learns under the supervision of a registered nurse while attending nursing school. Flexible scheduling allows the student nurse to work in conjunction with school schedules.

SNT applicants are required to apply online. Announcements at USAJOBS can be expected in late spring and fall for our summer and winter vacancies, as available. A certification in nursing assistance is preferred but not mandatory. Verification of nursing school acceptance is part of the application process. Upon completion of interviews, candidates will be required to complete background check and an occupational health screening prior to start date.

Katie Nelson, MSN, RN
Nurse Manager, Clinical Resource Teams
One Veterans Drive (118)
Minneapolis, MN 55417

SNT-3 is designed for new entry nursing students in a BSN program. The job involves general nursing assistant care and/or observing patients in a 1:1 or 2:1 fashion. Additional mentoring and development of assessment skills are encouraged under the supervision of a registered nurse. Orientation requires one week of full-time availability, followed by additional orientation to other clinical areas and duties as available. 

SNT-4 is designed for BSN students who have completed at least one year of clinical rotation. The SNT-4 functions as a core member of the nursing team and is able to perform the same duties as SNT-3 with additional focus placed on assessment, time management and prioritization in preparation for RN graduation. Clinical expansion opportunities are available and encouraged through the SNT-4 position. Newly hired SNT-4s will be required to complete one week of full-time orientation, followed by additional orientation to other clinical areas as available. SNT-3s who are transitioning to SNT-4s require additional orientation scheduled through management. 

VALOR Program

The VALOR (Veterans Affairs Learning Opportunities Residency) Program is an honors program for select nursing students who have completed the junior year of a BSN program. VALOR provides a structured clinical experience with a BSN-prepared preceptor and educational course work in a clinical setting.

The program starts with a ten-week (full-time) concentrated experience during the summer and an optional part-time experience during the senior year.

We are currently accepting applications for VALOR through March 15, find them online at USAJOBS.

Kimlyn McVay, RN
VALOR Program Manager, Education Department
VA Medical Center
One Veterans Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55417

Cindy Pivec, MAN, RN, PHN
VALOR Program, Education Department
VA Medical Center
One Veterans Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55417

RN Transition to Practice

Are you a recent or anticipated graduate of an ACEN or CCNE-accredited Baccalaureate or Associates nursing degree program? If so, the VA’s Registered Nurse Transition-To-Practice (RNTTP) residency program was made for you!

VA RNTTP residency is a 12-month program designed to support newly licensed RN employees (in their first RN role and/or with <1yr of licensed RN experience) through the transition from novice new-graduates to confident and competent nurse professionals. Learn more.

Subscribe for updates about VA Nursing TTP opportunities and events.

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