About DAV services
DAV van resources work with county Veterans Affairs directors to provide transportation for Veterans to and from Veteran health care centers for scheduled medical appointments.
These vans transport Veterans throughout a 5-county area of southern California. Each month, between 1,500 and 1,700 Veterans receive DAV transportation.
Arrange a ride
If you’d like to schedule a DAV van ride, contact the hospital service coordinator who serves your county.
West Los Angeles VA Medical Center
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Building 500
Room 1613
Map of West Los Angeles VA Medical Center campus
Phone: 310-268-3344
Hours: Coming soon!
Sepulveda VA Medical Center
Leigh A. Polzin
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Building 20
Room 1613
Map of Sepulveda VA Medical Center campus
Phone: 818-891-7711, ext. 36176
Hours: Coming soon!
Los Angeles VA Clinic
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Room B-306
Map of Los Angeles VA Clinic campus
Phone: 213-253-2677, ext. 24604
Hours: Coming soon!
Santa Barbara VA Clinic
Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
4440 Calle Real
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Phone: 805-683-1491
Hours: Coming soon!
Please note that DAV vans can only provide rides to ambulatory passengers (passengers who are able to move around without the driver’s help). For information on accessible transportation options, review our other Veteran shuttle services.