
Social work

Meta description
Social workers are here to help Veterans, families and caregivers with almost any need, from help with finances to questions about treatment.
Page introduction
Social workers are here to help Veterans, families and caregivers with almost any need, from help with finances or housing to questions about treatment to just feeling overwhelmed. We are here for you.
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Connect with a social worker

Our social workers provide care in all health service areas. They work closely with your primary care and specialty care providers. Please reach out to your provider if you or your family need help, and they will connect you to a social worker when appropriate.

Care we provide at Minneapolis VA

Social work is integral to health care. We can help you and your family manage stress-related problems due to injury or illness, and find VA community resources to meet your needs like:

  • Home health services
  • Legal services
  • Transportation
  • Community living
  • Advanced care planning

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