Honolulu Vet Center - Suicide prevention

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please call the Veterans Crisis Line. Additionally, you can connect with qualified VA responders via:

We also encourage Veterans and Servicemembers to checkout VA's Mental health Apps for additional resources.

Honolulu Vet Center counselors are available for ongoing counseling needs. Please contact our office to explore services to address your mental health care.

Honolulu Vet Center - Mental health care

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Vet Center service description

The Honolulu Vet Center offer counseling services to eligible Veterans, active duty Servicemembers, members of the National Guard and Reserve, and their families. Readjustment counseling is offered to help our clients make successful transitions in life after stressful or traumatic military events.

Services include:

  • Individual counseling - to cope with personal changes caused by stressful or traumatic events in the military.
  • Couples/marital/family counseling - for family issues that are related to military stressors or trauma and post-military readjustment.
  • Group counseling services - to join with other service members and veterans dealing with similar readjustment issues in a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential setting.

Current on-going groups available at the Honolulu Vet Center are:

  • Combat Vet Support.
  • Global War on Terror (GWOT) Veteran.
  • Women's Support Group.
  • Women's Trauma Skills.
  • Women's Resilience.
  • Vietnam Veteran.

New and different groups are added from time to time. Counseling services can be brief or as long as needed. If you are interested in services, please give us a call to speak with one of our counselors. 

Honolulu Vet Center - PTSD care

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

The Honolulu Vet Center provides counseling and support to Veterans, active duty Service Members, and members of the National Guard and Reserve who may be experiencing post-traumatic stress related to their military service.

If you want to find out more about post-traumatic stress or start treatment, give us a call to speak with one of our counselors. We use a variety of approaches to help individuals recover from trauma including:

  • Supportive counseling.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
  • Solution Focused Therapy.
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT).
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
  • Problem Solving Therapy.
  • Mindfulness-based approaches.

Counseling is provided in one-to-one, couples/family and/or group settings. Counseling services are free, confidential and can be as brief or as long as needed. 

Colorado Springs Vet Center - Suicide prevention

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Vet Center service description

Our primary focus is your safety. If you feel hopeless, suicidal, or in need of crisis care, just let your counselor know so you can work together to help you feel safer and more optimistic about your future.  Should you need the Veterans Crisis Line, in addition to calling them, you can also reach them via confidential chat at Veterans Crisis Line or text to 838255.  Together we work to help you stay safe and improve your world.

Colorado Springs Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care

Vet Center service description

Unhealthy substance use often goes hand in hand with PTSD, depression, or stress. We can help you understand how problematic drinking, and drug use might be related to other stressors in your life, and we can teach you how to take control over your substance use. We can also connect you to more intensive or comprehensive substance use treatment programs within VA or in our community, if needed.

Kona Vet Center - Veteran connections

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Vet Center service description

Kailua-Kona Vet Center supports local Veterans through partnerships with government and community agencies, including:

  • Law enforcement and other first responders
  • Kona Palamanui Community College
  • University of Hawaii
  • Hawaii Office of Veterans Services
  • Hawaii Army National Guard, US Army Reserves, US Airforce Reserves, and Hawaii Air Guard units
  • Various Veteran service organizations such as VFW, American Legion, BIRMA, DAV, and many more.