Federal Way Vet Center - Telehealth
The Federal Way Vet Center offers a variety of appointment modalities to meet your needs to include in-person, video, and phone appointments. Ask how we can complement your in-person care with virtual services.
Federal Way Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care
We keep in touch with LGBTQ+ service providers at VA Puget Sound and can make a direct referral for you. Mental health counseling or case management is also available if you meet eligibility criteria
Federal Way Vet Center - Couples and family counseling
The Federal Way Vet Center has licensed clinicians standing by to provide counseling services for couples, spouses, children, and partners.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Whole health
Henderson Vet Center - Telehealth
Veterans in rural communities may be able to connect remotely with the Henderson Vet Center counselors and staff to receive services.
Henderson Vet Center - Community engagement
The Henderson Vet Center supports local Veterans through partnerships with government and community agencies, including:
- Law enforcement and other first responders
- Local Colleges, Universities and Vocational Institutions
- Non Profit and Veteran Service Organizations throughout Southern Nevada
- Nevada Department of Veteran Services
- National Guard and Reserve components