Title Hoptel Meta Meta description The San Francisco VA Medical Center provides overnight, shared lodging accommodations to eligible Veterans receiving health care services. Content Page introduction The San Francisco VA Medical Center provides overnight, lodging accommodations to eligible Veterans receiving health care services. Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content About The Hoptel is located at 4150 Clement Street in San Francisco, CA 94121, and consists of three buildings; 9, 10 and 22. The Hoptel offers lodging accommodations to eligible Veterans receiving health care services at the San Francisco VA Health Care System. Arrangements must be made in advance by the referring clinic. A consult will need to be placed and must be approved by the Hoptel Team. You will receive a call two days before you are scheduled to be lodged. Veteran must travel 50+ miles from their home to the San Francisco VA Health Care facility to be eligible to lodge at the Hoptel. Minor children are not permitted in temporary lodging facilities on VA grounds. Items to bring for your stay at the Hoptel: Veteran ID Medicine Hygiene items such as toothbrush and toothpaste Clothes Entertainment ie: books and a laptop Medical devices Items not permitted at the Hoptel: Guns, Weapons, firearms, or explosives Illegal substances Pets Alcohol Oxygen Personal appliances Meal choices: complimentary hot meals can be picked up in Building 203 at 5:45PM complimentary cold box meal are available upon request before 5PM microwave available in lobby of Building 22 vending machines are available in Building 203 Canteen is open on the weekdays from 7AM to 2PM Hoptel has limited capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff is on-site: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday through Wednesday Noon to 7 p.m. on Sundays If you are arriving for your Hoptel stay after the above hours or on Saturday, you will need to check in at the Emergency Room to obtain your room assignment and key. The Emergency Department is in Building 200 ground floor. The Emergency Room can be reached at 415-221-4810 extension 22502. Please contact your referring clinic to requests a stay at the Hoptel. For additional question please contact the Hoptel at 415-221-4810 ext. 22529