
Stress and Resilience Study

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San Francisco VA conducting research to better understand military stress and to develop new and more effective treatments
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The San Francisco VA Medical Center is conducting research to better understand military stress and to develop new and more effective treatments. We are currently conducting a study that examines learning and memory during a computerized task. This is particularly important becuase of the role that learning and memory play in treatment and recovery from stress.
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You may be eligible if you are a male or female Veteran between the ages of 20-50, have experienced a traumatic event, and meet other study criteria.


The study involves a 10-15 minute screening interview by telephone at your convenience. If you are eligible and agree to participate, we will invite you to come to the San Francisco VA Medical Center for 4 meetings, including a longer mental and physical health screening including blood testing, completion of questionnaires, and a computer learning task.

• Make 4 visits to the San Francisco VA Medical Center.
• Complete a computerized task involving a mild electrical pulse.
• Provide a blood sample prior to each task.


Participants will receive up to $225 for their time.


(415) 221-4810, ext. 2-5116, starstudies@ncire.org