Veteran’s Perspectives A monthly publication that highlights research showcasing the importance of research for veterans - and the importance of veterans for research.
VA Research Nuggets One-minute summaries of important events and people in VA research—current day and historical— originally aired on Federal News Network, a private radio station in Washington, D.C.
Participate in Research
VA researchers wouldn't be able to make the advancements they do without help from the volunteers who take part in studies. If you'd like to contribute to VA's medical advancements, consider participating in research.
Research Volunteering Guide (PDF)
Participating in VA Research FAQ - If you are asked to participate in a research project, get as much information as you can about the study.
If you are interested in participating in a research study, there may be opportunities at Wilmington VAMC, or you can find other VA sites that are seeking volunteers by going to https://www.research.va.gov/for_veterans/find_studies.cfm.
If you decide to volunteer for a research study, you can change your mind at any time. Your decision to participate (or not) will not affect your VA benefits.
Prefer to talk? Call the Wilmington VA Research Office at 302-994-2511 x5016.
Veterans and veteran community stakeholders can inform VA research in a variety of ways:
Volunteer to serve on a research project advisory committee, participate in meetings that inform research recruitment strategies, assist to disseminate research findings by reviewing draft materials, provide feedback on research study presentation materials, volunteer to serve on a mock research proposal review committee, offer to contact community organizations (e.g., VSOs) on behalf of a research team, prepare assessment tool packets for a research project, volunteer on a research project event planning committee, work directly with a research team throughout a study, etc.
Veterans helping to plan, shape research projects (va.gov) - An article that describes an example of how veterans can be engaged in planning and shaping a research study. Includes Q&A with researchers and veteran personal research engagement story.
For engagement opportunities call the Wilmington VA Research Office at 302-994-2511 x5016.
At the local level, Wilmington VAMC partners with several academic institutions including University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Rowan University, Thomas Jefferson University, and a VA not-for-profit corporation.
Since Wilmington VAMC is in an IDeA state, it is a Partner Institution of the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (DE-INBRE) which offers collaborative biomedical research opportunities focused on Veteran’s health and with the Delaware CTR ACCEL program with a focus on translating research into clinical care for Veterans.
Wilmington VAMC research Office partners with the Veterans Research Foundation. This partnership provides Wilmington VAMC with a highly valued means for administering non-VA federal and private sector funds in support of our research and education activities, thus expanding the number and type of funding opportunities to which VA and its affiliated academic researchers can apply.
Research partnerships to improve and enhance the health and healthcare of Veterans is a priority for the Wilmington VAMC. We welcome and encourage partnerships with VA intramural researchers and with researchers from outside of the VA. For further information and resources, click here. To explore research partnership opportunities, call the Wilmington VA Research Office at 302-994-2511 x5016.
Three staff and a patient Veteran from Wilmington VA recently participated on a Leadership Team for project “DRIVE: Developing IDeAs for Veteran Engagement in biomedical research”. The project was funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Initiative.
Wilmington VAMC Research Office
Mail Code: 151
Fax: 302-633-5582
Phone: 302-994-2511 x5016
Email: VHAWIMResearchAdmin@va.gov
The Veterans Research Foundation
The Veterans Research Foundation is a private nonprofit organization that aims to improve the health and well-being of Veterans by supporting and advancing VA Wilmington’s research and education activities, while observing the highest ethical standards.
Website: Veterans Health Foundation of Pittsburgh
Phone: 412-360-3866
Email: Alanna.Caffas@va.gov