
Research and Development Resources

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Wilmington VAMC Research Partnership Resources, resources, partnership, partnership
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Wilmington VAMC Research Partnership Resources.
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Getting started with research at Wilmington VAMC 

Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development (BLRD) supports and conducts preclinical research to understand life processes from the molecular, genomic, and physiological levels for the purpose of advancing science and the understanding of how diseases affect Veterans. 

Clinical Science Research and Development (CSRD) is focused on moving ideas along the translational pathway from scientific discovery to clinical application in order to advance the healthcare of our Veterans. 

Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D) is an integral part of VA’s quest for innovative solutions to today’s healthcare challenges. HSR&D supports research that encompasses all aspects of VA healthcare, focusing on patient care, cost, and quality. 

Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) is focused on improving the quality of life of impaired and disabled veterans through a full spectrum of research: from approved rehabilitation research projects, through evaluation and technology transfer to final clinical application. 

 Resources while conducting research at Wilmington VAMC 

  • VAIRRS - VA Innovation and Research Review System - used by all VA medical centers with research programs and provides an enterprise platform to support the management of research oversight committees. 

Information about it https://www.research.va.gov/programs/orppe/vairrs/