
Electronic Health Record Modernization

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Electronic Health Record
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Providing quality health care for Veterans is one of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA’s) highest priorities. To support this mission, Mann-Grandstaff VAMC and its community-based outpatient clinics were the first VA medical facilities to go live with VA’s new electronic health record (EHR) in October 2020. This is a Veteran-centric approach that will better support service members as they transition from military service to Veteran status.
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How do Veterans access it?

  • The new My VA Health patient portal is also accessible through My HealtheVet and VA.gov. To access My VA Health, you can sign in with any of these three accounts:

    1.  Premium DS Logon account

    2.  Premium My HealtheVet account

    3.  A verified ID.me account. 

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