
Mission and vision

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The Mission of Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center is to Honor America's veterans by providing exceptional care that improves their health & well-being.
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Our mission is to "Honor America's veterans by providing exceptional care that improves their health & well-being." The VA Spokane Healthcare System is committed to providing our patients with the highest Quality of Care in an environment that is safe. We do this by focusing on Continuous Process Improvement and by supporting a Culture of Safety.
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Our mission

The mission of Mann-Grandstaff Veterans Affairs Medical Center is to Honor America's veterans by providing exceptional care that improves their health & well-being.

Our vision

To be a patient-centered integrated health care organization for veterans providing excellent health care, research and education; and organization where people choose to work; an active community partner; and a back-up for National emergencies.

Core values

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA’s) Core Values and Characteristics apply across the entire VA system. They define “who we are” and also how we differ from other organizations. Our Core Values are: Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect and Excellence (“I CARE”). They help define our culture and underscore our commitment to Veterans, what we stand for and help guide the execution of our mission, shape our strategy, and influence resource allocation and other key decisions made within VA.

Our Core Characteristics are: Trustworthy, Accessible, Quality, Innovative, Agile and Integrated.

Who we serve

Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center offers a variety of health services to meet the needs of our nation's Veterans.