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Learn about our research initiatives
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Research and Development (R&D) plays a vital role in the Department of Veterans Affairs mission, including here at the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center. Our R&D program is a reflection of our commitment to providing the highest quality care to our Veterans.
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Our research and development (R&D)

R&D is an integral component of our facility’s affiliation with the University of Washington, which brings that institution's premier academic medicine program to Spokane VA. This strong relationship enables both institutions to benefit from world class collaborations that help transform today’s innovative bench science breakthroughs into tomorrow’s life-saving, patient-centered medical and mental health care. 

Excellent clinical care, solid medical education, and innovative and ethical research are the crucial “three legs of the stool” in academic medicine. At Spokane VA, this triad not only helps us recruit skilled, top-notch clinical staff, but it also enables us to provide our Veteran patients with access to the latest pharmaceutical and behavioral therapies and diagnostic techniques. In other words, the quality of "routine" care here at Spokane VA is enriched by our team’s ability to bring advancements we discover and scrutinize for safety in the lab into the clinic in support of Veterans’ health and well-being.

Veteran study participants wanted

Are you a Veteran interested in participating in our R&D program?  

VA researchers wouldn't be able to make the advancements they do without help from the volunteers who take part in studies. If you'd like to contribute to VA's medical advancements, consider participating in research. 

If you decide to volunteer for a research study, you can change your mind at any time. Your decision to participate (or not) will not affect your VA benefits.

Veterans interested in learning more about opportunities to participate in studies that are part of our R&D program are encouraged to reach out to us at MGVAMCResearch@va.gov (as a reminder, please don't send protected health information via email). You can also visit National Institute of Health's clinical trial database to learn more about clinical studies conducted around the world.

Contact our research and development program

Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center
Research and Development
4815 N Assembly Street 
Spokane, WA 99205

Phone:  509-434-7000
Email:  MGVAMCResearch@va.gov
Hours:  Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PT