South Jersey Vet Center - Whole health

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Vet Center service description

The South Jersey Vet Center offers support during times of illness or mental health stress.  We can talk with you about your concerns and help you to work through them.

The South Jersey Vet Center has many connections in the local community.

Some examples include:

Woods N' Water: Woods n Water - Home | Facebook  Provides a unique place to learn and grow by spending time in the woods and on local lakes and rivers. 

Guitars for Vets: Guitars 4 Vets Helping Veterans Cope With PTSD Through Music   Always wanted to learn how to play a guitar?  We have volunteers who can teach you - for free!!!  

Please contact our Outreach Coordinator, Dave Mullen, at  or  609-487-8387 for more information or with suggestions for community activities.

Contact our front office for more information on whole health building or to schedule an appointment - 609-487-8387.

South Jersey Vet Center - PTSD care

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Vet Center service description

PTSD does not have to hold you back from life! We can help you build back better through evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), group sessions, activities and one on one counseling.

We have a group on Thursdays at 10 a.m. and you can contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment at 609-487-8387.

South Jersey Vet Center - Returning service member care

Vet Center service description

South Jersey Vet Center offers care to returning service members, regardless of which conflict you served in.  Please see some of the group options we offer below and know that we also offer one on one services too!

Vietnam Veterans Group  (In person)

  • Tuesdays at 2 p.m. 
  • Thursdays at 2 p.m.

Persian Gulf/OIF/OEF Group  (In person)

  • Fridays at 1 p.m.

South Jersey Vet Center - Military sexual trauma care

Vet Center service description

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is not something to overcome alone.

South Jersey Vet Center counselors can help you and encourage you on the journey whether through a group or one on one counseling.

Current group is on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. (Virtual).

Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment at 609-487-8387.

Boston Vet Center - Veteran connections

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

We understand that searching for resources can be challenging.  Let the us help you navigate through and connect with:

  • How to activate VA medical benefits and enroll in care
  • Where to file disability claims and other forms
  • How to make the most of your VA education benefits 
  • How to use your VA home loan
  • How to access VA burial benefits

We can also connect you to the local Veteran Service Officer in your town.  Call us at 857-203-6461 to find out more.

Boston Vet Center - Returning service member care

Vet Center
Vet Center service description

We recognize that completing military service can come with a variety of new challenges. Navigating the VA system and other benefits alone can be overwhelming. We can provide education and connection for: 

  • Enrollment in VA healthcare benefits
  • Filing a military-related disability claim
  • Connection to employment opportunities
  • Using VA Education Benefits
  • Using your VA home loan
  • Connecting to state benefits and services
  • Finding a Veteran mentor with the ETS Sponsorship Program

Boston Vet Center - PTSD care

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

If you're feeling on edge and on guard, having trouble with sleep, motivation, or mood, or just feeling unlike yourself following a major event or critical incident, we can teach you tools to manage these problems and get back on track. Asking for help takes courage and we provide the private, comfortable setting with expert counselors to help you take that next step. Learn more about PTSD and your treatment options