New Bedford Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care

Vet Center service description

Unhealthy substance use often goes hand in hand with PTSD, depression, or stress. We can help you understand how problematic drinking, drug use, or gambling might be related to other stressors in your life and we can teach you how to take control over your substance use. We can also connect you to more intensive or comprehensive substance use treatment programs within VA or in our New England community, if needed.

Lewiston Vet Center - Telehealth

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

It is always preferred that services be provided in person however we understand there are times/situations where this may not be possible.  Virtual counseling services are now available as a viable alternative to in person services. If you are unable to come to the Lewiston Vet Center for a variety of reasons, such as living in a rural area required extended drive to get to the Vet Center, not being able to take time off from work and/or not feeling well, we can accommodate you with telehealth services.

Lewiston Vet Center - Whole health

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Vet Center service description

Here at the Lewiston Vet Center, we work to bridge mental health care with every other aspect of a Veteran’s life.  You can expect your counselor to help you highlight the connection between mental health and various aspects of self-care (e.g. food and drink, working your body, surroundings, spirit and soul, personal development, recharging and relationship supports).  

The Vet Center offers the following groups for creativity and self-care:

  • Creative Art group as outlet for expression and camaraderie, social interaction, and relaxation
  • Veteran nature hikes (during summer months) to commune with nature to help ground us and enjoy the beauty of Maine
  • Post-COVID the Vet Center will be offering iREST/Yoga and Tai Chi classes to assist with stress reduction and feeling more present in one’s life
  • The Lewiston Vet Center works with other local stakeholders who offer recreational therapy. Veterans Adaptive Sports, and Training (VAST) meets weekly and provides outdoor activities, such as bocce, archery, mountain biking, hiking, walking, and disc golf. Learn more by visiting Pineland Farms, Inc.

We also offer periodic camping events, equine therapy and photography groups as out-of-the box atypical therapeutic experiential events to assist Veterans in readjusting from deployment during military service. Contact us for more information. 

Lewiston Vet Center - Women Veteran care

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Vet Center service description

At the Lewiston Vet Center, we offer a Women Veterans Support Group which meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1pm to facilitate woman Veterans’ camaraderie and support in transitioning and/or sustaining successfully in civilian life.

The Lewiston Vet Center is also staffed with several women counselors who can focus on the needs of women Veterans and your cultural transformation along with any readjustment issues you may experience. The Lewiston Vet Center’s goal is to provide an environment free from harassment that meets the unique needs of women Veterans.

Lewiston Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care

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Vet Center service description

We serve all who served. We can help with counseling, support, case management and referral services to meet specific needs.

LGBTQ IA+ support: EqualityMaine | Maine lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality, 207-761-3732

Transgender support for Veterans:  Maine Transgender Network 

Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender elders (SAGE), 212-741-2247

If you have any questions you can also email the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging: