Mesa Vet Center - Veteran connections
We understand that navigating the variety of resources can be a challenge. Mesa Vet Center can help educate you on topics such as:
- How to get VA medical benefits and register for care
- Where to go to file claims and other forms
- Understanding your VA education benefits
- Housing and home loans
- Education and referral for VA burial benefits
Mesa Center can also connect you to Veterans Service Organizations in your community.
Mesa Vet Center - Telehealth
Due to COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines, we offer secure and confidential individual and group counseling through telehealth. You can schedule a phone or video appointment for Vet Center services.
Mesa Vet Center - Community engagement
To complement our counseling services, Mesa Vet Center partners with entities such as:
- Local Veteran/Service Member support organizations
- Local military installations
- National Guard and Reserve units
Mesa Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
At Mesa Center, we can connect you with the community referral resource center in downtown Phoenix or other community resources..
Mesa Vet Center - Returning service member care
Mesa Vet Center understands that the transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge. We offer a variety of ways to assist you in that process such as:
- How to get VA medical benefits and register for care
- Where to go to file claims and other forms
- Understanding your VA education benefits
- Housing and home loans
- Education and referral for VA burial benefits
Mesa Vet Center can also connect you to Veterans Service Organizations in your community.
Mesa Vet Center - PTSD care
At Mesa Vet Center, we offer individual and group counseling.
Care at our Center includes:
- Anger management
- Stress management
- Activity engagement
Mesa Vet Center - Military sexual trauma care
Military sexual trauma can happen to both men and women. If you experienced sexual assault or harassment during military service, we provide counseling and treatment individually and group.