By Dr. Jamie Hoffman, CTRS, and Maggie Palchak
What is an adaptive water sport?
It's that time of year again where the weather is hot and the water is refreshing! Water sports are activities/sports that are carried out in, on, or under water. Adding adaptive to the activity/sport means that it is accessible to most anyone regardless of physical, intellectual, or visual challenges. By answering a few simple questions, you can embark on the path to finding the best adaptive water sport to meet your goals.
- First, are you comfortable around and in water, and able to swim?
- Are you interested in being on the water, in the water, or under the water?
- Do you want to participate in adaptive water activities/sports in a pool, lake, river, or ocean?
- Are you planning on participating with your family or a group of friends. Are you looking for a workout opportunity, or perhaps you aspire to become a competitive racer?
- What are your strengths – will you paddle or swim utilizing your legs, arms, or both?
- Will you use your vision or senses, or that of another individual to guide you?
- Will you rely on your judgment or that of your partner?
- And is balance a strength or a challenge for you?
The answers to these questions will help you and your adaptive sports provider find the best adaptive water sport/activity to meet your needs. Adaptive water sports activities can include but are not limited to: swimming, water exercise, water skiing, wakeboarding, prone paddle boarding, stand-up paddle boarding, seated or wheelchair-accessible paddle boarding, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, free diving, sailing, kayaking, rowing, and whitewater rafting. Equipment can range from using the traditional piece of equipment like a tandem ocean kayak to utilizing a Liquid Access adaptive sit water ski.
The beauty of utilizing water for fun and physical activity is that it provides a supportive environment, which allows for individuals with all abilities to participate inclusively with minimal to maximum modifications or equipment. Simple modifications of utilizing a pool noodle, which can be purchased at your local store, can provide buoyancy enough for someone to float independently. Identifying your comfort level in, on, and under water is a great way to assess the starting point for your engagement in adaptive water sports.
Having acquired a new disability, whether it be a spinal cord injury (SCI) or a traumatic brain injury (TBI), your body's position and relationship with water may experience a significant change reflecting your new body composition and level of ability. This is an important thing to acknowledge as your ability to swim or maintain comfort in, on, under, or around water may have changed. Your judgment may also be altered from your past experiences. Make sure you never swim or participate in watersports/activities alone. Always practice the buddy system.
Depending on your level of interest from maintaining a recreational pursuit to competing at the paralympic level in your chosen adaptive water sport, the equipment, training, and resources are available either in your own community or throughout the country.
How do I get started?
With the endless opportunities to participate in adaptive water sports you might be wondering, where and how do I get started? There are various types of adaptive water activity/sports programs that exist in the community in order for Veterans to access equipment and facilities for little to no cost. Attend an adaptive surfing clinic or camp! This is a one-day or multi-day program that provides a variety of equipment for participants to demo (e.g., Operation Ampt, San Diego, CA). Find an adaptive kayaking program! Some community programs offer an ongoing kayaking or paddle boarding program, providing weekly paddles or private lessons with staff support and equipment (e.g., Access Leisure, Sacramento, CA, or Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra, Mammoth Lakes, CA, or The CSUS WELL Recreational Therapy Program, Sacramento, CA, Environmental Traveling Companions (ETC), San Francisco, CA). Visit an adaptive kayaking center! Bay Area Outreach Program (BORP, Berkeley, CA) is a local example of an adaptive kayaking center that allows persons with disabilities and Veterans to grab adaptive kayaks and paddle directly from their location during open program hours. Lastly, what do you do when you want to play but don't have the toys, you rent! The City of Reno, NV, has made their adaptive recreation equipment such as handcycles, recumbent trikes, and sports wheelchairs available to rent. Renting makes it affordable for participants to try before they buy, be a weekend warrior, gain skills, and be involved in more than one sport
Why should I participate in adaptive water sports/activities?
Are you trying to find the WHY? Why should I try out adaptive water sports/activities? Why is it beneficial? The benefits are endless and include physical, social, and psychological benefits. Findings indicated that participation in adaptive sports positively influenced quality of life, overall health, quality of family life, and quality of social life. Athletic identity was also reported and compared with other samples of people with and without disabilities (Zabriskie, Lundberg, Groff, 2005).
There are numerous physical benefits to water activity including swimming and paddling. Increased cardiovascular endurance, range of motion, flexibility, posture, muscular and bone strength are a few of the physical benefits to the body. When you think about your own personal social deficits or needs, starting to swim or continuing to swim or paddle may create access to new relationships and social outlets. Swimming, surfing, paddle boarding, and kayaking are very social activities allowing participants to create friendships and comradery as you play as a group and form social bonds. Many surfing, kayaking, and whitewater rafting groups meet up for coffee or meals, and establish daily/weekly/monthly sessions for both accountability and fun. While exploring new areas in the community can be fun in, on, around and under the water, the psychological benefits of water activity allow some individuals to find their flow and maintain life balance. Psychological benefits include reduced stress levels, decrease in anxiety, improved mood, better sleep, and the promotion of new thought patterns that promote feelings of calm and wellbeing.
If this is not enough motivation to start or continue participating in adaptive water sports/activities, then the bottom line is that it will allow you to get outside, off of your technology, and have the water cool you off and provide some fun! Make sure you stay hydrated and wear sunscreen when you are participating in adaptive water sports/activities! Getting out of your regular routine and trying a new leisure activity is a positive way to utilize your free time or pass the time. For more information, contact your recreational therapist or go to your local sailing club, swimming pool, or kayaking shop and ask about local paddles or clubs. Water enthusiasts are generally friendly, fun and kind people, so get out there and get wet!