For complete diabetes education both Diabetes 101 and Diabetes 102 classes are recommended; the classes do not need to be taken in any order. You may register for both classes when you call the Patient Scheduling Unit at 855-632-8262 .
Diabetes 101: Take control
This 90-minute class is taught by a registered nurse (RN) and a physical therapist (PT). For the first 60 minutes, a RN discusses causes and complications of diabetes as well as ways to take control and manage it. For the last 30 minutes, a PT discusses ways of increasing movement and activity as well as demonstrating alternative ways of performing movements and exercises.
First Friday of each month, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., via VA Video Connect (VVC)
Diabetes 102: Medication and food
This 90-minute class is taught by a pharmacist and a registered dietitian. During the first 45 minutes, the pharmacist will discuss different types of diabetic medication and how they work with your body. The second 45 minutes a registered dietitian will discuss carbohydrates, sugar-free foods, serving sizes, meal planning, and how to make sense of food labels.
Third Friday of each month, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., via VA Video Connect (VVC)