
Construction updates

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construction updates, new facilities, expansions, demolitions
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VA Palo Alto is undergoing an unprecedented amount of construction and expansion to enhance health care for Veterans throughout our health care system. Each project is a tremendous opportunity to augment and improve the delivery of services to Veterans. We request your patience and cooperation as collectively we work towards transforming our facilities.
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Palo Alto campus major construction project highlights

Ambulatory Care Center

The new Center for Ambulatory Care (327,500 gross square feet) will consolidate nearly all ambulatory care clinics into one facility to provide diagnostic and treatment clinics for outpatient and inpatient Veterans. This project includes the demolition of exceptionally high-risk buildings (buildings 102, 4, 5, 54, MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4 and 7).

Project status: : Project is in planning phase. Earliest construction funding would be 2025.

The planned construction completion date is 2028.

Basic Science Research Center

This project will construct a 95,000 gross square feet, 2-story building with a below grade VMU floor, a utility level of approximately 31,000 gross square feet, a loading dock and associated utilities, landscaping, and hardscaping.

Project status: Construction is complete and activation is in progress.

Basic Science Research Center at Palo Alto VA Medical Center

Building 7 Spinal Cord Injury Center replacement

This project will construct a new Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder Center (SCI/D) in Palo Alto and decommission and raze building 7.

Project status: The project is in planning phase.

The planned construction completion date is to be determined.

Building 40 Boiler Plant replacement

This project will construct a replacement boiler plant to replace the existing aging boilers, and provide full backup power as required per physical security resiliency requirements for the campus. The project will decommission and raze building 40.

Project status: Project to start design in 2023.

The planned construction completion date is 2025.

Demolish seismically deficient building 6 and construct replacement building

This project will construct a new 84,998 gross square feet building to house the services in the current building 6, which include research, mental health, facilities engineering, emergency management, and safety services.

Project status: Project to start design in 2023.

The planned construction completion date is 2025.

Building 500 Rehabilitation Center (Polytrauma, WBRC)

This project will construct a 174,000 gross square feet Polytrauma and Blind Rehabilitation Center to consolidate outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation programs on the VA Palo Alto campus, including Polytrauma, Blind Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine Rehab (PM&R), and Physical & Occupational Therapy.

Project status: Patient safety upgrades contract completion expected December 2022. Lighting system replacement contract completion expected November 2022.

The Western Blind Rehabilitation Center (WBRC) moved into the new building in October 2022. Polytrauma Service and Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Program (PTRP) are expected to move in early 2023.

Construction is complete.

Rehabilitation Center (Polytrauma, WBRC) at Palo Alto VA Medical Center

Menlo Park campus major construction project highlights

Building 114 Boiler Plant replacement

This project will replace the seismically deficient Building 114 (Central Plant) with a newly constructed boiler plant to support the Menlo Park campus. It will decommission and raze the seismically deficient Building 114.

Project status: Project to start design in 2023.

The planned construction completion date is 2025.

Livermore realignment project

The Livermore realignment project includes new construction of an East Bay Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC), an expanded Central Valley Community Based Outpatient Clinic, a new Central Valley 120-bed Community Living Center (CLC) and a procedure center in Palo Alto. Subsequent to the completion of these construction phases, this project will decommission the existing 113-acre VA Livermore campus. The authorized total project (estimated) cost of the project is $505 million.

Download the file below for more information.

Rendering of new Stockton CBOC

Other Palo Alto campus construction project highlights

Renovate Building 101 canteen

This project will renovate the existing canteen kitchen and dining area (approximately 3,500 square feet) to provide an adequate facility to accept new VCS kitchen equipment, food distribution stations, and an overall better and healthier dining experience for Veterans.

Project status: Currently in construction

The planned construction completion date is summer 2023.

Please note: Food trucks are selling food items and beverages while the canteen is being renovated.

One truck is parked at the entrance to Building 101, near the sidewalk entrance to Parking Structure 1. The food truck’s hours of operation will be Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The food truck will be serving breakfast and lunch items. During peak hours from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., an additional cashier will be available as needed to minimize wait times. Payment options are cash, credit card, and Employee Payroll Deduction (EPD).

The second food truck will be located in the parking lot in front of Building 100. The hours of operation for this truck are Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Food trucks with different culinary cuisine will be rotated throughout the week. The type of food truck onsite will be announced the day before operation. Payment options are cash and credit card.

Grab-and-go cold options, including salads, sandwiches, wraps, and sushi, are available in the retail store and Starbucks Cafe.

Upgrade Cath Lab Suite for TAVR Program

This project will upgrade the Cath Lab Suite for the TAVR Program to improve space allocation, HVAC requirements, infection control, materials tracking, and provide procedure rooms that meet design standards for Hybrid ORs to create an overall better experience for Veterans. The new Hybrid OR Suite will be 3,500 square feet.

Project status: Project is currently in construction.

The planned construction completion date is summer 2023.

Renovate Building 7 for Spinal Cord Injury

This project will renovate Building 7 for Spinal Cord Injury Service to upgrade existing patient bedrooms, increase space for physical and occupational therapy, and create additional medical and social work staff offices to improve patient exams and consultations.

Project status: Project is currently in construction.

The planned construction completion date is fall 2024.

Upgrade Building 7 Polytrauma/Spinal Cord (SCI) for patient safety

This project will renovate patient rooms (10,000 square feet), upgrade patient safety, and ensure proper clinical operations in both D and F wings in Building 7 Polytrauma/Spinal Cord (SCI).

Project status: Project is currently in construction phase.

The planned construction completion date is spring 2023.

Improve Building 100 access from Polytrauma

This project will construct an illuminated canopy to provide shelter and enable safe transportation of patients from Building 500 Polytrauma and Blind Rehab Center to the main hospital Building 100 for treatment.

Project status: Project is currently in design phase.

The planned construction completion date is fall 2024.

Renovate Building 100 basement for MRI suites

This project will renovate approximately 9,600 gross square feet of existing radiology basement space into 2 MRI suites to alleviate waitlist for patients needing MRI and CT imaging services.

Project status: Project is currently in construction phase.

The planned construction completion date is winter 2023.

Improve Sterile Supply Service and biomedical functional alignment

This project will renovate 17,000 gross square feet of deficient Sterile Processing Service (SPS) and Supply Chain Service (SCS) to ensure adequate capacity to perform all sterilization and decontamination functions, inventory management, and supply distribution functions, as well as provide 1,250 gross square feet of administrative space for SCS staff.

Project status: Project is currently in construction procurement.

The planned construction completion date is fall 2024.

Upgrade Building 100 and 101 elevators

This project will replace and modernize elevators P-1, P-2, and P-3 in Building 100, and elevators P-1 and P-2 in Building 101 to create an overall better experience and safer environment for Veterans.

Project status: Project is currently in construction phase.

The planned construction completion date is November 2023.

Turnkey site preparation Cath Lab #1

This project will renovate 950 gross square feet of Cath Lab room, including the removal of the existing equipment, to accommodate new diagnostic imaging equipment.

Project status: Project is currently in construction procurement phase.

The planned construction completion date is spring 2023.

Retrofit ADA doors, Building 530

This project will add ADA door push paddles with automated door closers to existing doors to enable the building to be more wheelchair accessible for Veterans.

Project status: Project is currently in construction phase.

The planned construction completion date is fall 2022.

Turnkey site prep for Cath Lab #1

This project will renovate 950 gross square feet of the Cath Lab room, including the removal of the existing equipment, to accommodate new diagnostic imaging equipment.

Project status: Project is currently in construction procurement phase.

The planned construction completion date is spring 2023.

Correct life safety deficiencies, Fisher House 1

The Fisher House Foundation adopted the 20-bedroom Fisher House prototype with improved life safety features. As a result, several life safety features are absent at the 21-bedroom Fisher House 1. These missing life safety features are 1 fire-rated stair enclosure discharging to the exterior, smoke/fire curtains in corridors/stair, and fire-proof self closing (FPSC) doors for the second floor bed suites.

This project is to install additional safety features to Fisher House 1 to be in compliance with the new prototype.

Project status: Pending design kick-off

The planned construction completion date is spring 2023.