
Caregiver support

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Caregiver support coordinators are here to help our Veteran families provide care for your loved ones.
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VA Spokane health care offers a number of services to support you and the Veteran you care for. Ask a caregiver support coordinator to help you find what you need, whether it's in-home help, someone to listen, or anything in between.
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VA and Caregivers

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers assistance to caregivers. Caregivers provide a valuable service for Veterans and are "partners" with VA in providing excellent health care. Caregivers allow Veterans to remain in their own home and also play an important role in supporting Veterans who are hospitalized or living outside their home.

What is a Caregiver and Are You One?

Caregivers assist those who are chronically ill, disabled, or are getting older and are no longer able to care for themselves. Caregiving includes helping with personal needs or household chores, as well as managing a person's finances, arranging for outside services, or visiting regularly to see how the individual is doing. Caregivers are generally unpaid family members or friends (though they may be paid professionals) who provide care to their loved one. You do not need to live with a person to be considered a caregiver and many people who serve as a caregiver do not recognize themselves as such – you may simply think you’re "helping out."

Without assistance, caregivers may experience stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, financial challenges, or neglect their personal health. VA is here to help you balance your life and achieve greater personal satisfaction in your role as a caregiver. This national website will help you find out more about the assistance VA offers to Caregivers.

Care we provide at VA Spokane health care

If you are a caregiver for a Veteran, you can get support by contacting a VA Spokane caregiver support coordinator at (509) 434-7755.  We can help with:

  • Getting caregiver assistance available through VA
  • Matching you with services and benefits 
  • Connecting you with local resources and programs

VA Caregiver Support Line

The Caregiver Support Line is available if you need support outside of the Spokane region, have questions about caregiver support services nationwide, or just need someone to listen right now.

Phone: 855-260-3274