Vet Center centralized content

Last updated on February 22, 2022 at 3:51 pm
For Vet Center national editors only: learn how to manage pieces of content that are applied to all Vet Center sites nationwide.
This article is for:
Vet Center

What is centralized content?

The Vet Center sites are designed so that certain pieces of content are the same on every Vet Center site nationwide. By standardizing certain kinds of information and parts of the design, Veterans get more accurate information and a consistent experience.

Only Vet Center national editors can edit centralized content. Centralized content appears in these parts of the Vet Center page:


1. Hours details

Content that helps Veterans know what to expect about Vet Center hours.

Need help after hours content on Vet Center pages

2. In the spotlight (Featured content)

A feature that appears alongside localized announcements about programs. The first block is national content, the second two are locally managed.

In the spotlight centralized content on Vet Center sites

3. How we're different than a clinic

Content that helps Veterans understand what kinds services are available to them at Vet Centers.

How we're different than a clinic centralized content on Vet Center sites

How to edit centralized content

Vet Center centralized is managed in one page by national editors.

Find the Vet Center centralized content

  1. From your homepage after logging in, click "Vet Centers."
  2. On the content page, click the "Content type" dropdown menu and select "Centralized content."
  3. Click "Apply."
  4. In the results list, find "National Vet Center content" and click "Edit."

Find the piece of centralized content you need to edit

  1. If you need to edit the FAQs, click "Edit" next to one of the questions to expand it and then edit the "Question" or "Answer" text.
Click the edit button to the right of the Q&A to edit

2. If you need to add a new FAQ, click "Add Q&A" and enter "Question" and "Answer" text.

The add Q&A button for centralized vet center content

3. If you need to remove an FAQ, click the three dots to the right of the FAQ and click "Remove."

The remove Q&A button from Vet Center centralized content

4. Scroll down to "Editorial workflow."

5. Click "Save as" and select a moderation state.

6. Enter a brief "Revision log message" about the change(s) you made.

7. Click "Save."

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