
Diabetes Self-Management Education Program

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Diabetes Self-Management Education
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Our program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association as meeting the national standards for diabetes self-management education. All Veterans and their families are invited to attend.
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Diabetes Self-Management Class

This class is taught by Certified Diabetes Educators, and a Physical Therapist.


09:00 - 10:45 Diabetes Skills

11:10 - 12:10 Nutrition

12:10 - 12:25 Physical Activity


  1. Understanding diabetes.

  2. Self survival skills: testing your blood sugar, medications, low blood sugar, high blood sugar, sick day guidelines, and preventing complications.

  3. Nutrition: meal planning, carbohydrate counting, and reading food labels.

  4. Physical activity: safe exercise guidelines / Strengthening / Flexibility program. 

To schedule the class, please call: 608-280-7209

Diabetes Self-Management Follow-up Class

This class is taught by a Wellness Professional and Certified Diabetes Educators and is offered for those patients who have attended the first Diabetes Self-Management class.


  1. Changing your behavior, healthy coping, and goal setting.

  2. Diabetes and Stress management.

  3. Problem solving with diabetes.