Title Hall of Heroes Meta Meta description Hall of Heroes Content Page introduction The Hall of Heroes is an ongoing program for formal recognition of valorous actions during a Veteran’s military service to the United States of America. Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content Candidates for the Hall of Heroes are service members or Veterans who currently or previously received care at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital and Clinics. We are honored to induct new Veterans into the Hall of Heroes twice a year near Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Veterans and service members that are chosen for the Hall of Heroes will be honored by having a framed photograph and information about their personal award for heroism or valor placed on the Hall of Heroes wall at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans’ Hospital. Nomination packet requirements: Complete the nomination form (PDF) Copies of awards and/or citations Criteria for induction: Served their country in conflicts or wartime Currently or would have been eligible for care at the Madison VA Hospital and Clinics Awarded military decorations for valor, heroism, and/or specific combat actions Description of the heroism resulting in a reward or citation Description of connection to local VA (including current community involvement and/or local connections prior to service) Selection Process: Packets are reviewed for completion by VA staff Names are redacted from application packets and sent to a non-VA review panel, where applications packets are scored The Veteran's application packet with the highest score is sent to the hospital director for final review and approval Contact the Hall of Heroes Frequently Asked Questions Questions Why aren’t there women on the Hall of Heroes? Unfortunately, due to the limitations and restraints on women in the military since the Revolutionary War in 1775, there have been fewer women who served in combat and were recognized with medals for valor and heroism. It wasn’t until 2016 when all positions in the U.S. military were opened to women, and there were no longer restrictions to who could serve in a position due to their birth sex. Women are the fastest growing group in the Veteran population making up 4% in 2000, and they are predicted to make up 18% of that population by 2040 Facts and Statistics - Women Veterans Health Care (va.gov) Our facility continues to work on ways to recognize Women Veteran’s services and sacrifices which include being prisoners of war as well as making the ultimate sacrifice of giving their life for their country. We welcome and encourage nominations of Women Veterans into the Hall of Heroes and continue to work on making the Madison VA an inclusive environment for all Veterans. Does the person have to be living? No. Both living and deceased Veterans can be nominated for induction into the Hall of Heroes. How do I nominate someone? Applications for nomination can be obtained through the Patient Education Resource Center (PERC) or through the William S. Middleton Memorial VA website. Where and who do I drop off the completed packet to? Applications can be dropped off at the front desk at the Patient Education Resource Center. (PERC) How many are inducted per year? Normally, two Veterans are inducted every year into the Hall of Heroes. What are the qualifications needed to nominate someone to Hall of Heroes? To view a full list of criteria you can view them online under the Hall of Heroes tab or get more information at the Patient Education Resource Center. (PERC) How long does it take to find out if the person nominated was chosen? Nomination applications must be submitted by March 1st for spring and September 1st for fall. Applicants will be notified of decision around April 1st and October 1st of the induction year. How will the person be notified if nominated? Applicants will be notified by phone, mail, or e-mail. Is there an induction ceremony? Who will be invited? Once a nominee is chosen, the veteran or family will be notified of the induction ceremony date. The veteran and or family member, VA staff, media, and other interested parties will be invited to the ceremony.