
Whole Health: Integrative Health & Wellness

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Whole Health: Integrative Health & Wellness
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Whole Health supports person-centered, proactive, whole-person care. The Whole Health System includes conventional treatment, Complementary & Integrative Health approaches, and focuses on self-empowerment, self-healing, and self-care.
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Whole Health Circle of Health

Components of Proactive Health and Well-Being

The Components of Proactive Health and Well-Being picture will help you think about your whole health. All of the areas in the circle are important. They are all connected. Improving one area can benefit other areas in your life and influence your overall physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being. The human body and mind have tremendous healing abilities and we can strengthen these healing abilities.

The inner circle represents you, your values and what really matters to you. Being in a state of mindful awareness helps you see what matters to you. The next circle is your self-care. These are the circumstances and choices you make in your everyday life. The next ring represents professional care you receive. Professional care may include tests, medications, supplements, surgeries, examinations, treatments, and counseling. This also includes complementary approaches such as acupuncture and mind-body therapies. The outer ring represents the people and groups to whom you are connected.

Resources for Whole Health

The VA has many educational tools and resources to support you on your wellness journey.  Learn about what Whole Health is in greater detail, complete your Personal Health Inventory and share with your healthcare team, or explore the many #LiveWholeHealth videos the VA has created to support mindfulness and other wellness practices.

Next Steps: Are you interested in learning more about how the Madison VA can partner with you on your Wellness Journey? Would you like to learn explore Complementary and Integrative Health Services, available at the Madison VA Hospital and Clinics? Call 608-256-1901 x12537 and ask to be scheduled for one of Introduction to Whole Health Groups.