
Residents, Student Nurses, Medical Students and Fellows

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Residents, Student Nurses, Medical Students and Fellows
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As one of four statutory missions, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) conducts education and training programs for health professions trainees to enhance the quality of care provided for Veteran patients.
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Office of Academic Affiliations

Overseen by the Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA), this mission has spurred the significant growth in the depth and breadth of health professions education in the VA.  The Madison VA Hospital is an affiliated training site under the OAA.  The following programs are available to help future health professionals enhance skills, prepare for leadership positions, and better understand health policy. Learn more about OAA, its mission, and training programs.

Before your VA rotation begins, you must complete required paperwork, Human Resources processing, and complete mandatory training.  Your VA Preceptor or Coordinator will have information specific to your program and to scheduling your onboarding. 

Additional Information and Opportunities

Associated Health Education Programs

VA is a leader in the training of clinical associated health professionals. Associated Health Education (AHE) includes all health professions with the exception of Medicine, Dentistry, and Nursing. Through affiliation agreements with more than 1,800 individual health professions schools and colleges, clinical placements and fellowships are provided to health professions trainees (HPT) in more than 40 professions. Approximately 123,000 HPTs rotate through VA annually. Learn more about Associated Health Education Programs and to see a list of available programs.

Medical and Dental Education Program

The VA's medical education program began in the post-war years of World War II. The authority for establishing VA's affiliations derives from Memorandum Number 2, a historic document that was signed January 30, 1946. By forming affiliations with medical schools and universities, VA has become the largest provider of healthcare training in the United States. Learn more regarding the Medical and Dental Education Program.

Nursing Education Programs

In 2019, more than 25,000 nursing students completed all or part of their clinical training at VA facilities. Access to high quality, timely health care requires an adequate supply and presence of competent nursing workforce. In recent years, OAA has implemented multiple innovative nursing workforce training programs to enhance nursing education and practice by facilitating a stronger and mutually beneficial partnership between VA and Schools of Nursing (SON) across the nation.  Learn more about VA OAA Nursing Education Programs.

Advanced Fellowships and Professional Development         

The VA Advanced Fellowships Programs offer post-residency, post-doctoral, and post masters fellowships to physicians and dentists, and associated health professions - including but not limited to nurses, psychologists, social workers, and pharmacists. Although most Advanced Fellowship programs target clinical professions several programs offer training for non-clinical healthcare professions.  Learn more regarding Advanced Fellowships and Professional Development.

Trainee Satisfaction Survey (TSS)

The Trainee Satisfaction Survey (TSS) asks all of our clinical trainees to rate their VA training. As you come to the end of your training rotation at VA, your program coordinator will ask you to take this anonymous survey. Your feedback will help us identify areas of excellence and areas where we need to improve.