
Geriatrics Research Education and Clinical Center - GRECC

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Geriatrics; GRECC
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The Madison VA Geriatrics Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) is a national center of excellence in aging and care for older Veterans. It was funded beginning in 1991 and is one of only 20 such centers in the country and the only one in VISN 12. It provides high quality, patient-centered care using teams of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, psychologists and other health professionals that are specially trained in geriatrics (the care of older persons). 
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Geriatrics Research Education and Clinical Center - GRECC

Through conducting cutting-edge research, it is able to provide the most up-to date and innovative care possible. It also provides geriatric education for hundreds of health professionals in training to improve the quality of care for all older persons. The GRECC maintains a strong partnership with the University of Wisconsin's Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology and the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center.

The GRECC also manages a number of specialty clinics:

  • Geriatrics Primary Care - four half days a week

  • Geriatric Comprehensive Assessment Clinic - one half day a week

  • Osteoporosis Clinic - one half day a week

  • Geriatric Psychiatry Clinic - two half days a week

  • Memory Assessment / Dementia Clinic - three half days a week

  • Geriatric Sleep Study

  • Palliative Care Clinic

  • Inpatient Geriatrics Consultation

To learn more about GRECC, visit the National GRECC VA website.

Go to the Madison VA's Health Services page.