How to use links as calls to action

Last updated on February 22, 2022 at 4:02 pm
When using links in calls to action, it's important to create the links correctly and with meaningful labels so that all Veterans have access to the expanded content, regardless of the device or assistive tools they use to visit your web page.
This article is for:
Vet Center

The Veteran-centered purpose
“As a Veteran, family member, or caregiver, I want to know where I can learn more about a Vet Center event, story or service.”

"As a Veteran using assistive technology to visit Vet Center pages, I want link labels to be meaningful so I can find the correct link and understand where it will take me."

Where are links useful?

Use a link when you want to cover a topic concisely and direct Veterans to a place to learn more, such as: 

Information for preparing to visit

  • Requesting military records
  • Viewing public transportation schedules and routes

Information about an "In the Spotlight" feature

  • Finding out details about new groups, activities or services 
  • Viewing event details  
  • Reading the complete story or blog post
  • Listening to a podcast

Information about unique services and partnerships 

  • Finding out about services provided by partner organizations (such as Project Healing Waters or Guitars 4 Vets)

Tips for creating links 

  • Use plain Veteran-facing language. 
  • Keep the link label brief
  • Rather than "Click here", use a task-specific action word ("read", "learn", "listen") so Veterans know what they will be able to do after clicking on it.
  • Make the label specific to the destination so Veterans using screen readers to visit the page can tell links apart. 

For more link tips, visit the Links page of the VA content style guide. 

three content blocks demonstrating calls to action

How to create calls to action 

  1. Log in. 
  2. In the top toolbar, click Manage and then click Content. 
  3. Click Edit next to the specific content you want. 
  4. Write a brief, concise summary of your featured content.
  5. In the Button Link field below the Description, add the url for the destination page.
  6. In the Button Label field, add the words which will display as the link. 
Call to action fields

After you've completed the call to action

Don't forget to save your work. 

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page. 

  2. Next to Save as, select a state, such as ‘Draft’, ‘Published’, etc.

  3. Enter a description in the Revision log message field under Editorial Workflow.

  4. Click Save. 

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