What is a News Releases List
Last updated on December 10, 2021 at 5:24 pm
Learn about the News releases list content type, the landing page for your news releases. This content type won't need to be edited.
The Veteran-centered purpose
“As a Veteran, family member, or caregiver, I’m interested in news releases about things happening at my local VAMC.”
News release list content type
The News releases list is the standardized page that lists all of your news releases. Don't edit the News releases list unless you have a special reason to change the page introduction. To add a news release, review the guide for news releases.
In the rare situation that you do need to edit the introduction of your News releases list, follow these instructions.
- On your homepage after logging in, look under Sections and click the section you want to edit.
- On the content search page, click the Content type dropdown and select News releases list.
- Click Apply.
- Under the results list, find the list you want to edit and click Edit.
- If needed, edit the introduction.
- Scroll down to the Editorial Workflow and select a Save as state.
- Enter a Revision log message.
- Click Save.