How to add a VAMC Facility image

Last updated on November 2, 2021 at 6:38 pm
Learn how to add an image to your VAMC Facility.
This article is for:
VAMC system

The Veteran-centered purpose

“As a Veteran, family member, or caregiver, I want to easily find my VA Medical Center.

Before you start

  • Facility information comes from centralized databases, including VAST. If you don't see a facility that should be affiliated with your VA Medical Center system, please review How do I add a facility to my health care system?
  • Get a high-quality image of your facility exterior in landscape orientation. Consider what will be helpful for Veterans or others trying to find your facility for the first time. Save the image as a .png or .jpg to your computer.
  • If you used an iPhone to take an image, open the file on your computer in a photo program and then re-save it before uploading it to Drupal. The iPhone's specific image file type may be problematic for non-Apple software.

How to do it

1. On your homepage after logging in, find the section you want to edit under "Sections" and click on it.

2. From the content search page, click "Content type" and select "VAMC Facility."

3. Click "Apply."

4. Click "Edit" next to the facility you want to edit.

5. Go to the "Title and Summary" panel.

6. If there is an existing image thumbnail, click the "X" to remove that image.

7. Click "Add media."

8. Click "Choose file," and upload your facility image.

9. Enter a "Name" that will help identify the image in the Drupal CMS media library.

10. The "Description" is optional and is used to further identify the image in the media library. It won't appear on

11. Enter "Alternative text," which is used for accessibility and web searches. Review VA guidelines for alt text

12. The front-end tool will automatically display images in specific aspect ratios depending on the page, but you can select the focus area of your image for different aspect ratios in "Crop image."

13. Click "Section," and select your VA Medical Center system. This is the section that manages this image in the media library.

14. The "Reusable" box is checked by default and allows other Drupal CMS users to view and use your uploaded image. This is important if you have other editors in your system who may need to access this image.

15. Click "Save and insert."

16. A thumbnail image will be inserted into the panel. This is just a placeholder, not how the final image will look on pages.

17. Complete all required fields.

18. Go to the "Editorial Workflow" panel and click "Save as" to select a moderation state.

19. Enter a brief "Revision log message" about the changes you made this time.

20. Click "Save."

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