How do I add a facility to my health care system?
Veteran-centered purpose
“As a Veteran, family member, or caregiver, I want to know key information about a specific facility, such as address and parking info, or whether it offers a health service I need.”
Content intent
We use the VAMC Facility content to help create a single source of truth for your facility. Some of that content already exists in other systems, such as VAST - the Veteran Affairs Site Tracking system. We use and contribute to an ecosystem that creates the full data for your facility so that your website and other web applications such as facility locator or mobile applications use the same data. That way you only need to update that information in one location and all the other systems are automatically updated.
Before you start
- You or your VAST Coordinator must add your Facility in VAST, the Veteran Affairs Site Tracking system via the VAST Portal
- You must be able to find the new Facility using's Facility Locator
- Contact the CMS Help Desk and be sure to include the following information in the details section of the help request form:
- Name of the new Facility
- Health care system the Facility is to be added to
- URL from Facility Locator site (e.g.
- The CMS team will then link the new facility to your health care system.
- You can then add information to your new facility such as:
Warning: Do not save this content as "Published" yet. Doing so may unintentionally cause broken links on your site and prevent publishing of other parts of your site.
- Once you have completed adding all of your facility's information in draft, contact the CMS Help Desk again to request a bulk publish of your new facility. Be sure to include the following information in the details section of the help request form:
- Health care system of the new Facility
- Name of the new Facility
- The CMS team will then publish the new facility and its services for the first time. Future publishing can be done by local editors with CMS Publishing access