How to edit a facility map
The Veteran-centered purpose
“As a Veteran, family member, or caregiver seeking care at a particular VAMC facility, I’d like a map of the campus or building so that I can understand the best way to navigate to and from my appointment. ”
About facility maps
The facility maps page can be used to help visitors to each facility navigate around and can include either/both static and downloadable pdfs. These pages can be used to help your site visitors
- Understand your parking lots
- Navigate between buildings on a large Medical campus
- Find where your facility is in context of a larger group of facilities (note: most Veterans will rely on Google maps or a similar service for this)
Each facility can have its own facility map page.
Site visitors can find the facility map by navigating to the location page for an individual facility in your VAMC system, and then opening the “Prepare for your visit” accordion titled “Campus and building maps.” The accordion will contain links to the map pages for that location.
You can also enter a link to the facility map page from other accordions such as "Parking" or other accordions or areas it may make sense from your health care system.
Where is it on my site?
How to do it
1. Prepare the map image file before beginning.
- Size the file to at least 1000 pixels wide.
- Wider files are ok — the system will automatically fit them to the size of the window so site visitors can view them on the page.
2. Check to see if a "VAMC detail page" has already been created for your facility’s map.
- On your homepage after logging in, find the section you want to edit under "Sections" and click on it.
- From the content page, click the "Content type" dropdown menu and select "VAMC detail page."
- In the "Title" field, enter the word "map."
- Click "Apply."
- If the results show that a map already exists for the facility, click the "Edit" button next to the title.
- If there aren’t any results for the facility map you’d like to create, click the "+ Add content" button and select the "VAMC detail page" content type.
3. Enter a "Page title" using the following format: Location name, map, e.g., “University Drive campus map.”
4. Enter the "Page introduction," if needed.
- If there isn’t already a page introduction, use the following standard language: “Use this to navigate the facility or locate your care provider’s office. To print the map, download the file and print that so you have the highest quality image.”
5. Enter a "Meta title tag," if needed.
- Use the following format: Name of your VAMC system | Facility name map (e.g. VA Pittsburgh Health Care | University Drive campus map).
6. Enter "Meta description," if needed.
- Use the following standard language: “Download or print our map to help you locate your care provider office.”
8. Under "Main content," click "Add content block."
- Scroll down to the content block called " Link to file or video" and click "Add."
- Click "Add media."
- In the left menu, click "Image."
- If you’ve already uploaded the file to the media library, find it using the search bar, or click "Choose file to upload a new one." If you choose a new one, complete all required fields for the image.
- Click "Insert selected."
9. Enter "Link text."
- Enter the standard language "Download map.” This is the text that site visitors will click on to download the image.
10. Add an embedded image content block.
- Click "Add content block."
- Scroll down to the "Embedded image" content block and click "Add."
- Click "Add media."
- If you’ve already uploaded the file to the media library, find it using the search bar, or click "Choose file" to upload a new one. If you choose a new one, complete all required fields for the image.
- Click "Insert selected."
11. Complete the "Editorial Workflow" fields and click "Save."
12. Add a link to the map on its corresponding VAMC facility page.
- In the top toolbar, click "Manage" then click "Content."
- Click the "Content type" dropdown menu and select "VAMC facility."
- Click the "Section" dropdown menu and select your VAMC system.
- Click "Filter."
- Find the facility for which you just added a map and click "Edit."
- Scroll down to "Prepare for your visit" and click to expand it.
- Click "Edit" next to the item that says "Campus and building maps."
- In the "Text" field, enter link text (e.g. “University Drive campus map”), highlight it, and then click the link icon.
- Start typing the name of the map page you created and select your uploaded map from the list of suggested nodes.
13. Scroll down to "Editorial Workflow," complete the required fields, and click "Save."